
Ari stamped her heels impatiently just what was taking Elyon so long that he couldn't return with two measly sugar cones all now.

By the time Elyon returned with the sweet treats she would more than likely be drinking the syrup confection than eating it which was no fun.

Ari fumed for a bit longer before she got tired of waiting and started to look for him.

While she searched for Elyon, she stopped at the fighter's pit to cheer Eileen on, with Eileen around Ari would never starve.

Eileen already had a large stack of coins that kept growing after she challenged various competitors to arm wrestling.

Some of the men who lost to her already were even on their third round and egging on each other as to who could take her down.

The bets kept growing larger with each amount and of course the overconfident Eileen only bet on herself to win.

The only man who had ever been able to beat her fairly at arm wrestling was Marino and he had recently departed.