The HAF and DEF

The sun shines once again on the city of Hoverdam. In the quiet, palace kitchen, chef Benvolio crosses out '25' on the calendar. He then orders his chefs to make the king his black coffee, the way he wants it.

They first roast the coffee beans in an open flame until they turn dark brown and begin to crackle. The roasted beans are then poured into a pestle, where it is grounded to a coarse powder using a mortar. While one chef crushed the powder, another chef filled the coffee pot with cold water and placed it in a fire for it to boil.

Once the coffee powder was ready, Benvolio poured it into the pot and firmly stirred it inside the boiling water. They let the coffee brew for a few minutes, before removing the pot from the fire. They let it settle for 2 minutes, then pour it into the cup. They then place it on the saucer, where the rest of his food is.