3rd of Nativitas, 5018. It was a bright sunny day in a lush green forest, beautiful and peaceful as ever before. The clear blue river in the middle of the forest provided the animals inhabiting it with a good source of fresh water. From pray to predators, including demons, all were required to drink from the river to survive, and any animal would.
Coming over to the same river, was a monkey that resided in the forest. It had come along with his troop pals, who after feasting on a dozen bananas, needed to drink a bit of water to moisturize their throat and allow the food to make it to their bellies as easily as possible.
They approach the water's edge and sit on their haunches. Using their cupped hands, they scoop up the water and quench their thirst. Before they all can fully replenish their thirst, one of them alarms the rest of the troops of a predator coming their way.