The sun started rising once again in the city of Hoverdam. Its bright yellow right ways flash Richard's face, waking him up rather quickly. Armstrong jumped out of bed and quickly prepared himself. It is a very big day for him today, and he needs to be there on time.
Yesterday, on the 21st of Folia, 5018, Armstong got a letter with the royal seal attached, informing him that he had been hired for the position of 'Secretary of Defense' for the kingdom of Hoverdam.
He was to come to the palace on the 24nd of Folia, where he would be given a tour of his office, his staff members, and his troops. Wanting to make a good impression in case he had managed to get the job, he had ordered a suit to be tailored, specifically made for him. He got into a navy blue suit, with a yellow tie, navy blue pants, a white shirt, and a yellow tie.