6th of Sunt, 5018.
Marco and Vice, wearing ordinary clothes, follow a long-bearded man through the large front door. They find themselves in a large room, with a stage on the other end, and over a hundred chairs surrounding it.
The place was rather dark and dusty, until the bearded man opens up the curtains, allowing light to enter. It allowed them to see the hidden cobwebs, just lying around on the corners of the room, and underneath the chairs.
"From the criteria you presented to me, this is the best place I can offer you two. It has a lot of chairs and space. A stage where you can do whatever. And it comes at a cheap, 1 silver coin a month if that is acceptable to you two," the man informs Marco and Vice.
"So... what do you think?" he asks the two. Marco looks around the room, before turning to the owner.
"Could you give us a moment? We would like to inspect the area before we make a decision," Marco asks.