Chapter 11. The Hunt

"Okay the purpose of calling you over is to ask you to join our squad, we think you will be a great support to us and also, we would love to have you as your skills are very tempting,"Modez said.

After hearing the words that came out of Modez she was flabbergasted, as she could not believe that she had just gained an official job, that will be a great success to her.

She was shocked that her mouth was open not realizing it Marci went to her.

"I think there is when you respond to the request" she said.

"Ooooh, it will be my pressure to be in your squad, am sorry it was so sudden that I couldn't get myself together" she said.

"Okay we all stay together when we have missions, but we are just from being initiated as a squad weeks ago, so we don't have money to pay you as for the time being, so you have to bare with it till we manage, what do you say?," Modez asked.

"You don't have to worry about money, it will be alright as long as you don't let me starve, for the time being money will come later," she said.

As they Finished talking they gathered all the people, that were supposed to go back to the village, and told them that they will be escorting everyone to the village.

Jender was instructed to go down the mountain, first and report to the village chief of the people that will be brought back, from the mountain.

If anyone need help to start their daily life again, or continue their activities as of before he should give the helping hand.

They went down the mountain while fighting some wild animals, protecting the people along the journey, after a long journey they arrived at the entrance of the forest, they allowed everyone to go on their business, but if they had any problem they should go to the village chief, and gain the support they need for the time being.

As everyone went to their way Modez turned to his squad, to talk to them as it was a perfect time, as no dead weight was on their shoulder at the time.

"Now it's time to gain more experience guys, everyone should prepare to enter to the midst of the forest, for as long as we can make it, let's train our brain, bodies and souls for any battle that comes out way.

They all turned to enter the forest, it took them a days walk to find traces of wild animals.

"This looks like the hooves of an antelope, and not just one they are a bunch of them probably, a herd of them and that herd has a leader I presume, as this looks perfectly organized movement," Dorci said.

They all became alert as they are not in the epicenter of danger, Joles instinctively went in the middle of the squad as he knew what the antelopes are renowned for, their behavior of moving in herds was common knowledge for them, as well as their speed that is faster compares to many animals of it's kind.

As they moved along, the clear it became as the herd has cleared almost everything in it's path.

"I think they want to make a territory for themselves, or is it that time of the year ?," Marci asked.

"How could I forget about that information, I think it is as the heat has drastically dropped over the week, when we were on the mountains so it is," Modez replied.

There were just trees standing, as the bushes were mostly cleared by the antelopes herd, there were a few that seemed off as if they were guarding something.

Jender leaped on the tallest tree he could find just near the antelopes, what e saw was just not the normal behavior of the antelopes they were standing guard around a flower that looked like it was starting to bloom as he watched closer then there it was the Desdais flower.

This flower was renowned for it's medicinal effect and enrichment in mana, as many people used it during meditation so as to advance in their magical prowers.

He got down as he appeared behind Modez the usual Jender stuff, Modez jolted and looked at his knowing even if he speaks the guy never changes.

"It is the Desdais flower that they are guarding," Jender said.

As Jender spoke everyone was astonished, as finding the flower is just as rare as seeing a transcendant animal, those are animals that gain consciousness and awareness.

They all went back several steps so as to speak freely of their plan, as they wanted the flower and the antelopes too as it was part of their training.

After devicing their plan they all went to their required positions, as they all agreed to ambush from hiding as to confuse the antelopes, and to attack them all at once so as they should not alert the others.

Jender went to his favourable position as we all know the trees were his best fit, Joles went to hid near the antelopes as to cast his magic accurately, Marci and Germin went to cover the one thought escape root of the antelopes, Dorci was far from them together with Modez.

The signal was to be given by Joles, as when he casts the spell then that's the cue, as Joles raised his staff all of them converged to the center where the antelopes were.

Dorci shot two arrows and Modez threw his spear, Joles spell hit three antelopes that died instantly after that Modez's spear lodged it self on two antelopes, the arrows from Dorci struck the necks of two antelopes, Jender was no where to be seen but there were four dead antelopes on the side where he was hiding.

Dorci knocked another three arrows, but Modez stoped her from shooting as he saw Germin charging and jumping in the air, Joles placed a protective barrier on the flower, Germin shot down from the sky like a cannon and struck the barrier that Joles created, the shock wave created pushed the remaining antelopes to the sides, while on air in a blink of an eye there were just blood filled on the ground.