"If they decide to go out like every year.. Can you please.. Join us too? I've already spent too many birthday celebrations without you, can this year please be an exception?"
Jake couldn't make any excuse this time.. Seeing his sister's teary-eyes, he couldn't say no..
He was used to running away from things he couldn't face..
Jake didn't hate his parents; he loved them.. He love them so much that he willingly sacrificed a big portion of his life by being someone he never was, just for the sake of their happiness.. He loved them so much that he even tried to convince himself and denied his true identity..
The problem was that his parents never gave the same kind of unconditional love to him in return.. He loved them just the way they were, but his parents never loved him back just the way he was..
It would be fair to say that didn't love Jake for who he was, but for what they wanted him to be..
Jake's parents arrived early at the restaurant.. They were unaware that Jake was coming along..
"What brings you here" Jake's father said to Jake without even looking at him which made him immediately regret joining them for dinner outside..
"I asked him to come along" Iris said with a smile while holding Jake's arm..
It was surprising to their parents that Jake actually agreed to join them.. The thing they didn't know was that he was doing all this just for the sake of Iris's happiness..
All four of them ate their dinner quietly, no one said a single word.. As the silence started getting uncomfortable, Iris spoke to break the ice..
"Uh so .. how was your day mom?"
She asked looking towards her mother hoping it'd break the uncomfortable silence.. But all she got in return was "Don't talk while eating"
Disappointment.. It was nothing new to her.. She was used to it..
After they all were done eating, their father motioned for the waiter and the waiter walked in with the cake..
Iris closed her eyes and made a wish..
'I wish we can become a happy normal family once again' she thought as she blew the candles..
Once again she felt disappointment when she saw the gift her parents bought for her..
She sighed looking down at the book..
She just smile as her parents described how good that book was, totally forgetting that this is the same book they gave her for her last birthday as well..
She hides her thoughts and feelings behind her smile.. That was something she was really good at.. Hiding her true emotions and faking a smile; Because in the end, she had to fulfil her role of being the perfect daughter, knowing 'perfection' was something she could never achieve..
She always tried her hardest to make people happy but sadly she never got anything in return, ever..
All the expectations and pressure were like fire to her.. Slowing burning her out.. But there was nothing she could do about it, at least not yet..
"It was unexpected to see you here" once again Jake's mother said to him without looking at him..
"What brings you here today?"
Jake's mentally rolled his eyes thinking
'Isn't it obvious?'
"I invited him!" Iris said quickly..
For some reason, she was afraid that someone would say something that would trigger someone and they all would start arguing.. And she was right..
"I'm not talking to you" she looked into Iris's eyes shutting her up..
"Can't you speak for yourself?" His mother finally looked at him..
"She invited me" this time it was Jake avoiding looking at her..
"Look at me while I talk to you"
Jake looked at her making eye contact that just added even more tension to the atmosphere around them as he repeated himself..
He was quite throughout the whole dinner, he knew it would affect Iris and hurt her badly if they start an argument today.. And he also knew that him, saying a single word, was enough to start an argument.. He was right..
"As rude as always.. It'd be much better if we never had you"
'Ah.. Here we go again' he thought..
The worst thing someone can do to someone is to make them regret existing.. It hurts even more when the person behind those words is someone who is the reason you exist, a person who is the reason you're still alive..
He was trying really hard to pretend to be ok throughout the day for his sister but in the end, a mere mortal like him can run but running away from it wouldn't make it disappear..
He can run but and as soon as he stops, he realizes that he has been running round and round in circles.. He was stuck in an endless maze.. He knew there was no point in running as it would only exhaust him but he couldn't stop either as it was the only thing that keeps him going.