The Medicine

Jake and Lily played till both of them got tired..

He realized that he almost fell asleep when the hand he was resting his head on slipped, making his eyes snap open..

He saw Lily asleep, resting her head in his lap..

He gently picked her up, carefully not to wake her up and tucked her into the bed..

The room was a mess they both created—There were crayons and toys scattered everywhere.. He cleaned it all up and looked at the time.. It was almost midnight..

He went outside to the living but saw no one.. He thought that Abby must have gone to bed already so he grabbed his bag and was about to leave when he heard a noise coming from Abby's bedroom..


He dropped his bag and hurriedly ran to the room.. The lights in their room were off, only a soft faded light was coming from the lamp..

He turned on the light to see Abby hugging their knees, sitting on the floor.. Small yet sharp pieces of a glass water jar and a cup were scattered on the floor..

He kneeled beside them, carefully not to step over the glass..

"Hey, are you ok? Are you hurt?" He noticed that Abby was shivering and cold sweat running all over their body..

"My.. head- M-Medicine" they pointed towards a plastic bottle placed on the side table beside the bed..

He quickly grabbed it just to realize it was empty..

"Sh*t … I- it's empty .. I'll go and buy some more don't move stay here- no not here.. the glass.." He didn't think twice before he picked them up and took them to the living room and placed them on the couch, covering them with a blanket..

He quickly ran as fast as he possibly could to the nearest medical store and gave them the medicine box..

He was panicking but what the person behind the counter said made him confused and surprised at the same time..

"This… Where did you find it.."

" W-why what do you mean-"

" Do you even know that this is illegal!"

" What?" He couldn't understand what the man was trying to say..

"This is a drug that got banned years ago.. Where did you even find it"

Jake couldn't process what was happening so he called Ms Jane and told her what the man just said..

"Leave now! Go home! I'm coming!"

"But the medi-"


Although he was completely lost at the moment he took back the empty bottle and ran back home leaving the man confused..

He came home to see that Abby was still sitting on the couch shivering, just as he left them..

Soon Ms Jane came—As soon as she did, she headed straight towards Abby, taking out the medicine bottle from her purse and giving it to them..

"What is happening" Jake needed an explanation..

Why is she giving Abby the medicine that got banned..

Why did she ask him to leave the store as soon as possible..


But Ms Jane didn't say anything and went into Abby's room to clean it up.

Once she was done, Abby went back into their room..

"How did the Medicine finish so early usually they last a month" she softly asked Abby..

"I-I just.. have been .. seeing things more often these days.. I don't know why" Abby replied with a dried, quiet voice..

Jake was waiting outside for the explanation.. He couldn't go home at that moment leaving Abby like that..

"What was that" he asked Ms Jane once she came out of Abby's room.. She looked at him, closing Abby's room door behind her..

She was hesitating at first but then she sigh and told him the truth..

"Actually.. those are the medicine that Mr Kabir give me to give Abby"

"Who's that?" Jake didn't remember hearing that name before..

"Zayn's father"

"I thought you stopped working for them long ago?"

"I did"

"Then why.." Jake was extremely confused at this point..

"Well.. He knows about Abby's past.. their whole life.. Better than anyone else.. and how it was filled with pain and stuff.. It was so bad that it started giving Abby hallucinations.. nightmares.. and made them see and hear things that aren't real—They were suffering so much because of it.. So he asked me to give them this medicine so their symptoms will stop" she explained softly..

"But it's illegal"

"But it is helping Abby"

Jake had so many questions yet he was speechless.. He couldn't help but wonder..

'Why would Zayn's father help Abby with this when he never helped them when his son was torturing them"

He couldn't bring himself to trust anyone at this point—Not even Ms Jane..

So he decided to take the matter into his own hands and find out more about the medicine..

He never threw away the empty bottle, it was still in his pocket..

After all the years he spent regretting not being able to see them, love them, protect them—After all those years of regrets now that he has finally found them, he couldn't risk losing them again.. He wanted to protect them from everything that can hurt them.. He met them again which was nothing less than a miracle, now he wanted to use this as a chance to compensate for all the regrets that got buried deep inside his heart, only then he would be able to forgive himself for letting them go and not stopping them 'that' day..