The votes

"My name is Enzo Angus, I'm a vampire and I vote for Reya," my brother blurted with grave seriousness.

"One vote for Reya, none for Dreyfus," the mage announced.

"Umbra Angus, a vampire and I vote for Reya."

"See?" Joan whispered. "There's nothing to worry about love. You'll be fine."

"Ramul Angus, a vampire and I vote for Reya."

"Troy, a northern wolf and I vote for Dreyfus."

"Fern, a Vladian and I vote for Dreyfus."

"Traitor," Aaron heaved under his breath. "He should vote for his kind."

"Keep it down boy, you know they can hear you."

"I don't care Joan. If only they knew the truth..."

"But they don't, so let it slide," the old mage begged the boy who gripped my hand tighter, slinking into his chair.