Not again!

Shera's POV


"Alright everybody," I sighed with my sweat dropping from my face in quick succession. "We are going to do what she did."


I looked back to make sure everyone was ready. Gor crouched down ready to use his speed past the creatures, Nia and Daniel sheathed their bags in a way their speed would not be hindered, only the woman and her children looked lost. They'll survive, I thought before crouching in front of me.


"On three," I started. "One, two, th…"


"Achhhheeewwww!" I heard one of her boys sneeze in a loud tone as my blood curled up in fear. The sneeze he had released created a shockwave which appeared before the boy tossing him high up into the air. What was he, I pondered as I created a whirlwind to reduce the impact of his fall.


The growlings around me started to get louder and louder as the statued creatures started to move in chaotic rhythm peering into our eyes with theirs.