The new team

Back at the castle…

Three days after Reya's adventures with her friends began, her teammates back at the dark castle prepared themselves mentally and physically for the battle against Dreyfus's team.


They practiced non stop with winning being their main focus. They were already crippled with the loss of their main heavy hitters like Reya, Nia and D, yet they had to also have their best vladian leave with the girls as well. It was hard on the teams make believe leader and he tried his best to pull the team together.


"We can do this you know," Pandul sighed a night to the competition. "All we need to do is follow the plan Reya laid out for us and we would be unstoppable."


"What if we…?"


"Damian come on!" the vampire growled not wanting to have negative energies around him. "Think positive for once. Since they left, all you've ever done is bring up what ifs and it is really starting to tick me off."