Hundred more Reyas

Reya's POV


More of the guards joined in the confusing battle as everyone attacked everyone not knowing who was the enemy or the foe, but I knew and I zipped around getting the monks and the civilians out of harm's way. With the saturation of crossbreeds in the field, I wondered what would happen if mages showed up to be against us.


"Reya!" a voice which sounded like Gor's own bawled in the chaotic field. "Reya?"


Turning towards the sound of his call, I found a crossbreed which looked like me blitzing into the demigod.


"No!" I yelled but it was too late for it had blitzed into the demigod, punching him away with so much force, half of the mountain cliff broke apart leading to some parts of the extended lands to fall out. 


"Hello," I heard another crossbreed look alike smile at me prompting me to tear it to pieces. What was going on in this field?