A memory worth saving

The rain intensified, drenching me where I sat but it did not do anything other than make my clothes wet. I enjoyed it, the feeling of being human again and feeling the dirt seep through my sandals, I enjoyed it. It was different this time. No powers, no extra lives, just the human life which was vulnerable and could easily be sniffed out.

Lightning spread across the skies and within seconds, thunder followed suit. My days as a vampire had taught me a lot and it had made me do the impossible. My strength limitless, my speed boundless, the only thing keeping me stagnant was my mind. I could achieve anything if only I could set my mind to it, then it could be accomplished.

"Founder!" I called out as my voice echoed in the valley before getting quiet. He was taking longer than I had thought. Did I change anything by reliving the moments? Yes, yes I did. But I did not care. I wanted to feel human again, that was why I had gone back to the beginning.