Naruto 6

The blonde stood and made her way towards the door. Intent on leaving outside the apartment. Because She could take a step further, She felt Alucard's hand on her shoulder. Looking at her with confusion, She decided to hear what she had to say.

"Master before you leave, I will not allow my master to walk in such filthy clothes when you deserve better." She stated.

Naruko frowned "These are the only clothes I have." She murmured.

"Fret not, I shall take care of it." Alucard declared. With a snap of her fingers, the shadows rose up and engulfed Naruko's body making her yelp in surprise. A moment later the shadows parted, revealing Naruko's new appearance.

She had on a white dress shirt, over that she wore a black suit jacket completed with black pants. She had a crimson tie, and a black hat rested atop her head. Alucard frowned as she looked at it. "No. It doesn't suit you, master." With that said, she snapped her hands, and the shadows rose up and covered the blonde's body again.

When the shadows parted again, this time the blonde was dressed in an entirely different attire, A crimson red Yukata. A decoration of what seemed to be various yellow swirls resembling whirlpools were etched upon the attire

Alucard hummed "It's good, perhaps when you age more master. Perhaps a simple yet elegant Yukata shall suffice." With that said, the shadows rose and engulfed the blonde once more. They parted not a second later, and Naruko was in a sleeveless light red frilly top that reached her knees a sweater collar and a dark red ribbon, underneath she wore pair of wine red steampunk shorts. On her forearm is a black cuff with a silver cross with a heart-shaped topaz gem in the center inset into a round silver platform attached to the cuff.

"Simple and Perfect!" Alucard chirped.

Naruko stared at her with a deadpanned expression. Did she call this simple? The gem would probably be worth a small fortune what with how shiny it looked. Shaking her head, She thanked Alucard for her help and prepared to leave the room. She stopped however and looked at Alucard curiously as she seemed like she was going to follow her.

"You're coming with me?" Naruko asked slightly confused.

Alucard grinned slightly "Why of course master. In fact, we're all going to be there. We aren't going to let you walk around alone in this disgusting village full of worms." She stated. As both Kaede and Shinobu stepped out of one of the free rooms looking at their master.

"But... If anything they might try to take you away from me." Naruko frowned.

"They can try master. But we do have various methods to follow you without anyone ever noticing." She stated. A moment later, her form was slowly merging with Naruko's own shadow, until finally, she had completely merged with it.

"What of you two?" She asked the other two.

"Worry not Master, Kaede can make herself completely invisible to the eye, with only you being able to see her. I will reside in her. So please do not worry about us being taken away from you master." Shinobu answered her master.

"What do you mean you will reside in her?" Naruko asked slightly astonished.

"Why don't I show you master. RELEASE SPIRIT ORIGIN GALAXY" Shinobu exclaimed

Naruko soon found herself stranded and floating in what seemed to be space. Planets, comets, asteroids, moons, nebulae...all passed by her vision. She could only stare in disbelief. She looked in awe at the beauty that she was seeing.

The massive shrine Bel-Maanna, resembling Shinobu herself, appeared behind her as a star.

She then felt her hand on her shoulder as she saw Shinobu smiling above her.

"You see master. There is nothing they can do that would be able to separate us. If you ever feel in danger or stressed, this place is open to you." Shinobu chimed in with a smile.

"Wh-What is this place? Is this a genjutsu?" Naruko asked with enthusiasm, she had never seen such a beautiful thing all her life.

"This is not a genjutsu but a dimensional soul. It is basically a separate dimension that is infinite in size. It was a gift from our mother. We three possess this and as our master, it is also yours." Shinobu informed.

"Ah, One more question, who is the giant woman in the sky that looks like all of you. She is really pretty." Naruko says with a blush.

'That is Bel-Maanna. She is our true form which exists outside of existence. Master, you think we're beautiful~You words warm my cold heart master' Alucard voice sounded in her head

"Alucard?" Naruko asked, blinking owlishly.

'Yes, master?' Alucard's voice sounded within her head.

Naruko looked around for several moments before she stared at her shadow. 'You're speaking to me through your mind aren't you?' She thought.

'Correct master.' Was her reply.

'I see.' Naruko thought back. This was useful, extremely so. Not only would she be with her almost constantly, but they could keep in constant contact. 'Alucard. When we walk around the village, you may hear some of the villagers whisper insults at me, and glare at me. Do not do anything to them. The same goes for you two' 'Wait, they can't hear me can they' She thought only to be distracted by two giggles in her head. 'We can hear you, Master, we shall not do anything to the villagers as long as they do not initiate' came Shinobu's voice with Kaede humming in response.

'But master-'Alucard started before being interrupted

'No buts. Insults, whispers, and glares are nothing I cannot handle. Insults are just words, and glares are just eyes that gaze upon me. They cannot do any true harm. However... Should they try to inflict physical harm, you're free to do with them as you all see fit?' Naruko finished sternly. She didn't need to see Alucard to know that she had the most bone-chilling grin set upon her features.

'Of course master.' They replied.