Naruto 9

Inuzuka Kiba growled in frustration as he was once again thrown harshly against the ground. Dust kicked up as dirt settled itself upon his frustrated form. He grits his teeth as he heard the jeers, and taunts of his classmates as they told him to give up his match. But he couldn't as this was both about his pride, and this was one of the tests he had to at least perform well in if he wanted to pass the academy seeing as it was the day of graduation.

His partner Akamaru was laying beside him, the pup whimpering as bruises littered the dog's small body.

"A-Akamaru...Get up! We can win this!" Kiba said fiercely, determination in his eyes as he stood unsteadily to his feet. A moment later he was thrown off his feet and landed harshly on the ground again.

Kiba panted heavily, his vision blurring as a trail of red liquid rolled down his head. He glared angrily at his opponent. Only for cold red eyes to glare back into his eyes.

His opponent had golden blonde hair that reached past her waist, her ponytail that she once had gone in favor of letting her hair flow free with and curl outwards on the end. Two bangs framed her face, blocking just a small portion of them. Faded whisker marks were etched upon her cheeks, a deep scowl on her face as she regarded the Inuzuka with cold neutrality.

The blonde was wearing her usual black sleeveless frilly top that reached her knees a sweater collar and a dark red ribbon, underneath she wore pair of black steampunk shorts. On her forearm is a black cuff with a silver cross with a heart-shaped topaz gem in the center inset into a round silver platform attached to the cuff

The blonde herself did not have any injuries, or even a speck of dirt on her. It reminded Kiba that not once was he able to lay a single hand on the her

"Is that all Inuzuka? I expecting better from a clan heir." Naruko coldly stated, her statement being heard clearly despite the cheering roars of the blonde's fangirls and fanboys.

Kiba clenched his fist as he heard the subtle disappointment in the blonde's voice. His teeth clenching as he tried fruitlessly to try to think of a way he could turn this around. He heard Naruko scoff, and shake her head.

"Is this you actually trying? Because if it is, I'll be very disappointed." The blonde began "How a weakling such as you believe he can become a notable Shinobi is laughable. At best, you won't even survive your first B-ranked mission as you are now. How pathetic you are. Perhaps a cat can give me a better fight." Naruko coldly finished, the taunt being heard throughout the entire training grounds despite the loud cheering.

Kiba felt his anger increase as he stood, giving the blonde an expression of rage as his fists clenched. Seeing this, Naruko gave a small sadistic smirk and laughed

"Kakaka, it seems like you have a bit of bite left to your bark. I'll be sure to rectify that." She stated, a hint of approval in her eyes before it vanished.

Kiba growled before he charged at the blonde, Naruko merely standing in the same spot regarding him with boredom. Once close enough, Kiba began attacking the blonde with a flurry of swipes. However, the blonde dodged all of them, hardly ever giving the Inuzuka even the chance to hit her.

"Why can't I hit you TELL ME!?" Kiba ordered in anger as he continued trying to hit the blonde, with every hit missing its mark. Ultimately deciding to humor him Naruko jumped a few centimeters away from him.

"You didn't say please." the blonde mocked Kiba as she continued to dodge all his attacks with no effort.

"PLEASE, PLEASE. HOW DARE YOU. YOU BITCH!!!" Kiba roared as he flew towards Naruko only to be met with an elbow to the face.

"You're the one who smells like a dog, so if one was one a 'Bitch' it would be you." Naruko retorted with a smile.

Off to the side, overseeing the match were Iruka, and Mizuki. Iruka was watching the fight with slight worry, but otherwise, he was putting down the results. While Mizuki was glaring at Naruko, his eyes drilling a hole into the blonde's head.

Iruka tapped his pencil on the desk once, idly putting down another mark as Kiba was yet again thrown to the ground by Naruko after a combination of an elbow to the nose followed up by a roundhouse kick. Iruka winced in sympathy, idly rubbing his leg as he remembered how strong Naruto's kicks were when he sparred with her a few minutes ago. He once again looked at both of his students.

Kiba hadn't scored enough points to pass on his written test, while Naruko herself had gotten perfect marks, just as she had on the written portion of the exams. He sighed briefly. The sparring part of the second course of the exams was set into two portions. One, the student would spar with the teacher, and if they impressed the examiners enough, or if they scored enough points then they would pass.

The second part of the second exam was to set them against their peers, while they had already gauged their skill levels by sparring with them personally, the second part was meant to see if they were willing to truly fight against someone they knew and if so they wanted to know to what extent they would go. This was meant to prepare them if one of them went rogue, that way they would have an easier time combating them as they had in a sense already hardened themselves for a confrontation against former comrades.

Based on what he was seeing at the moment, Kiba was willing to fight, but at the same time, just a bit hesitant. While Naruko herself was perfectly willing to break a few bones throughout the entire fight, Naruko had only attacked Kiba in vital areas. But he could tell the blonde was holding back so she didn't permanently damage the Inuzuka.

Thinking about Naruto made Iruka release a small sigh as he once again sent the blonde a mildly worried look. Over the last few years, Iruka had tried to get to know the blonde, trying to find any type of common ground that they could base a friendship on.

Unfortunately, all his efforts were unsuccessful. The blonde either ignored him completely or glared at him until he went away. That and the blonde barely ever went to class. Most of the time she never attended the academy, or she would just skip all his classes, making it difficult to speak with the blonde. Iruka had to resort to speaking with Naruko at the ramen stand as that was the only place he would ever find the blonde. He had tried to go to Naruko's apartment, but he couldn't as he always had the feeling of impending death every time he got near it.

The blonde herself had yet to gain any type of friends either, and while she may have been seen occasionally speaking with Aburame Shino, Shino had confirmed that they were not friends but instead acquaintances.

Naruko was also seen exchanging a small of nod of respect with Uchiha Sasuke, the last of the Uchiha clan, and runner-up for rookie of the year, with the title itself belonging to Naruko.

Iruka had managed to gain some type of common ground with Naruko, but the blonde still remained distant towards him. She no longer gave Iruka any glaring looks, instead they are of cold neutrality. She did speak with Iruka, but those exchanges were little and quick with the blonde always ending the exchange only moments after speaking with her for but a few moments.

While he was dismayed at having very little progress with the blonde, the progress he made was progress nonetheless, and Iruka was happy to have made progress at all.

Iruka was shaken from his thoughts as he heard Kiba yell out in pain. Quickly looking forward, Iruka was met with the sight of Kiba kneeling in front of Naruko. The Inuzuka's fist is held in Naruko's hand. The blonde was gripping the Inuzuka's hand tightly and was twisting it, making Kiba yell out in pain, and forcing the Inuzuka to his knees. The Inuzuka's nose was also bleeding, and Iruka was worried that his nose was possibly broken.

"You don't get it, do you? Let me make it very clear. You've got no hope of beating me. It doesn't matter how hard you try." Naruko said emotionlessly.

Quickly, Iruka shot from his seat and rose his hand. "Match over! Winner! Uzumaki Naruko!" He shouted. Immediately after that, Naruto released Kiba from her grip, the Inuzuka fell to the ground and cradled his hand, and blood from his nose dripped to the ground.

"Well, that wasn't much fun for me." she said with a laugh

Naruko then gave Iruka a blank look, making Iruka gulp just slightly. Finally, after a moment Naruko gave Iruka a brief nod before she walked back to her favorite spot near the edge of the training ground ignoring the squealing fangirls and boys, where a tree stood. The blonde quickly jumped on one of the many branches and sat down, her legs hanging off the sides, as he leaned against the tree's bark before reaching into her shadow and pulling out a blood pop and sucking on it.

Naruko's impassive eyes gazed upon the training ground as Kiba was led out, the few medical Shinobi around giving the Inuzuka whatever medical attention they could with Mizuki not too far behind hmm weird. She gazed upon her classmates, she made contact with Sasuke's onyx black eyes, and he found himself giving the Uchiha a small nod, with the Uchiha returning it.

She briefly shut her eyes and turned her head away from the field. 'Alucard how should I train today?' Naruko asked.

"Hmm, Advanced chakra exercises you may be better at your Jutsu now but we need to get you to the point where you don't waste any energy when you attack. You still haven't landed a definitive blow on Shinobu unless she was charitable." Naruko had to repress a sigh.

For the longest time, her chakra had been abundantly more difficult to control than it should have been for someone her age but then again over the past few years she started to realize just how much chakra she had.

Looking at her hand she clenched it into a fist breaking the skin. " I've come so far from where I used to be but I still have so much to do." She thought to herself about the past few years and the small adventure. (as well as strangeness mishaps and embarrassments)

Over their time in the Academy (Despite her constantly skipping classes, or not attending the Academy at all.) the civilian council had begun seeing the blonde as too powerful, and they feared they were losing control of the 'demon brat'. Numerous times the civilian council has tried to either kick her out of the Shinobi program or to mess with her grades in class.

Of course, they never did succeed for two reasons. The first was the Sandaime, as when he caught wind of such a thing, he had immediately fired the academy teachers going along with it, and giving the civilian council a harsh talking to.

The second reason was surprising, and quite shocking as well. Shimura Danzo, an elder of the village also supported the blonde, and often at times he had made it known that he did so. Something that shocked his fellow elders, and Hiruzen.

Naruko's attention was drawn back into the present when Iruka blew a whistle, Ino, and a pink-haired girl were the last two students on the field. The two girls were covered in scrapes, but they were otherwise unharmed.

"Alright everyone, the second portion of the Genin exams is now finished, and now it is time to partake in the final portion of the exam. That being Ninjutsu. If you would please just follow me, I'll escort you back into the classroom for the final exam."

Naruko sighed as she decided to wait for the majority of the class to enter the academy building, following Iruka to the classroom.

Ino had tried to get her attention by waving at her, Sakura giving a small blush, also giving a small wave to both her and Sasuke as the black-haired Uchiha passed them. That was another thing about Sakura. She often deviated between the two, cheering on her as she was partaking in spars, and also cheering on Sasuke when he spared.

However, when they sparred against each other, she would freeze, and appeared to have a difficult decision on who to cheer for. Naruko mentally snorted, that girl came from a civilian family, with her father being a retired Shinobi. She had the potential to be a good medical Ninja with her control. But as Alucard would say. She is nothing but spare blood.

Naruko would give her a month. If after a month she didn't prove to be a competent Shinobi, she would forever be labeled as spare blood for her and her servant to feast upon.

She just hoped that none of her servants gain some of Sakura's more outspoken traits should her precious servants decide to consume her.

'I resent that master. I would never even think of consuming that girl. As I stated last time, she is the emergency blood supply unless she proves useful.' Alucard piped in.

'Right.' Kaede dryly replied floating beside the blonde

With a sigh, Naruko hopped down from her perch on the tree and quickly vanished in a burst of speed when her feet hit the ground she reappeared in front of the classroom, and she casually entered, ignoring the bickering of her fellow classmates as they all were chattering excitedly about becoming Shinobi.

'How naive these children are. Do they really expect to save princesses, and the nobles often? Truly amusing, yet at the same time aggravating. 'Shinobu's voice chimed in from their telepathic link.

Naruko could imagine the frown she had on Shinobu's face getting a snort from Alucard

'You can hardly blame them Alucard. Outside of their homes, and village, they have not yet experienced any type of pain that would harden them to the cruelties of life.' Naruko responded.

'True, but that is another reason that I have on my list that makes you both a beautiful and wonderful creature in my eyes.'

Naruko tried not to smile, instead, she pulled out a bottle full of blood from her shadow and she slowly drank from it. 'How many reasons do you have now?'

'Two thousand nine hundred ninety master.' Alucard replied.