Naruto 16

With Naruko's group in Wave.

Wave town square.

A line of Narukos(clones) with some dressed as chefs and others as maids were seen walking into the middle of Wave. She with the help of Alucard had trays of different delicacies and foods that were either materialized or cooked.

Alucard formed a large tent with tables and chairs littered around with Naruko placing the trays and plates of food down on the tables. There were also some drinks being brought out from both Alucard and Naruko's shadow.

"What's that kid and that woman doing?" asked a villager.

"I don't know, but damn that stuff smells really good!" exclaimed another. Soon, a whole circle were surrounding the Narukos and Alucard.

Then, Alucard took out a marker and wrote on a banner she formed.

"Get in line if you want delicious food." It said.

As soon as people read that they got into a straight line and the Narukos and Alucard started serving them. This went on for a few hours. People who haven't had food in days, are now stuffed with food in their stomachs with rations to spare. People actually started smiling and laughing, talking amongst each other, which hasn't happened in a long time. Kids were playing around in the streets like they just weren't struggling to survive a while ago. Naruto looked at this scene and smiled.

Then the people started thanking him them getting a smirk from Alucard and a soft smile from Naruko.

One of the older women came up to both Naruko and Alucard.

" Excuse me girls, but what are your names?" she asked.

" Naruko." "Alucard."

" You two are such good people for doing this for the people, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart." She said. Then people started to cheer their names.

"NA-RU-KO! AL-U-CARD! NA-RU-KO! AL-U-CARD!" the villagers yelled.

Meanwhile, Tamamo was listening through their link she had a smile.

'She truly is something else, maybe the Old Man wasn't so wrong and had a point' thought a smiling Tamamo.

Back to the gathering in the middle of Wave, the people were so busy partying that they didn't notice three of Gato's thugs come up with their hands on their blades sheath.

"What's going on here?" said the thug in the middle, most likely the leader.

It got dead quiet as the thugs walked around the people, who still haven't said anything yet. Then they noticed the food that everyone had.

He grabbed a plate and raised it in the air.

"Who's responsible for this?" he asked only to get no reply again.

"So, no one knows?" he said as he started to get his sword out, scaring a few people.

"I did this," said a voice the thugs couldn't recognize. They started looking around for the owner of the voice. They looked around to see Naruko, with a donut stuck in her mouth, and Alucard behind her drinking from a bottle with a straw.

As soon as the thugs noticed them they gained perverse smiles as they gazed upon Alucard's well-endowed body, before laughing.

"O-hoho, what's so funny?" asked Naruko

"There's no way a pathetic little girl did this, how about you miss. Ditch the twerp so we can go have some fun." He said. Then he did something that sealed his fate.

He spat on Naruko's face.

It was sliding down her cheek almost dripping to her dress. The precious dress that was gifted to her by her servants.

Alucard's eye went blank as an untold rage was flowing through her. The three men could feel the anger of the woman and the dark miasma flowing off her in waves.

"You lower life forms! You dare do such a thing to my master. My beloved Lady Naruko, the one that owns my heart and loves me." Alucard exclaimed before finally calming down and looking at them.

Faster than the three men could process, were engulfed in darkness, so much so that they could barely see a thing except for themselves.

The three tried to turn and run, their eyes wide in fright. However, a moment later they fell to the ground screaming in pain. They cradled their stumps where their feet used to be.

Looking back, they saw in horror three large black dogs with multiple eyes devouring their missing feet. One of the menacing canines finished earlier and began to savagely fight the other next to it for the feet that it was currently trying to devour.

Alucard merely walked past the three dogs, idly patting one on the head as she did so. The dogs ignored her as she walked by. The three thugs tried crawling away from the frightening woman they wanted to have sex with, their instincts of survival kicking in as they screamed, and crawled away.

Thug 1 was the first one to die as Alucard stomped on his back. He screamed in terror, tears of despair trailing down his cheeks before Alucard mercilessly impaled her hand through the man's back. Her hand emerged through his body, bones shattering, and breaking as her hand went through his chest before it emerged out the other side.

She removed her hand from his chest, leaving a hand-sized hole in its place. In her hand, she held a slowly beating object which she promptly threw to one of the dogs as they fought over it. She turned to the final two thugs, who were watching in horror as they saw that she had just thrown the still-beating heart of their friend. With a maddening laugh, they saw the dogs devour the heart in seconds before staring at them with drool and blood dripping from their jaws.

The two sobbed as she stopped a foot away from them. From beneath her, centipedes and other creepy crawlies began emerging from her feet.

The two screamed as they began crawling all over them, some tearing into their skin, and entering their bodies. The bugs inside their skins began to move around, making the experience painful and they begged to be put out of their misery. The bugs began to tear into the men's bones, making them scream louder in pain.

"W-What are you!?" One of the remaining thugs yelled in agonizing pain, while the other was screaming beside him.

Alucard's immediately lost her grin and frowned "The servant of the one you spat on. You lowly dogs deserve to die like dogs. But my master shall be the one to decide how you die." Was her response.

More insects swarmed the two men, and moments later they scattered, leaving the two men alive but unable to move as the pieces of their flesh barely hanging on to their bodies. Alucard retracts the cocoon of darkness, before walking back to her master awaiting her command.

"Well done Alucard." she said to her servant before turning to the last two thugs on the floor.

"The audacity of these dogs to spit upon my beautiful face. I'll let the villagers take care of you as they have more of a reason than I do." And they both walked away. The citizens grabbed the kunai and smiled at the thugs who were shaking in fear, their screams could be heard for miles.