Naruto Shippuden 19

Madara vanished and appeared across the room as he eyed the Five Kage with mild interest.

"I was hoping to use Danzo's ROOT agents to weaken the Five Kage and take them hostage however it appears I overestimated just how weak the old fool's forces truly were. Oh well, I suppose that idea won't be happening anytime soon." Madara said alerting everyone.

"You would work with someone like Danzo," Tsunade growled as she clenched her fists in preparation to attack.

"On the contrary Hokage, Danzo is merely another of my pawns. A pawn among a chessboard of pieces at my disposal that I'd hoped to at least get some use out of." Madara said.

"To use someone like Danzo as a pawn," Kakashi mused.

"Danzo was obsessed with power, obsessed with the Uchiha lineage so I simply used them to have him dance to my little tune all the while unaware that every last task he performed was for my own benefit, not his," Madara said. "His usefulness however expired when he was executed by Sasuke Uchiha a short while ago."

"So, Sasuke's here." Kakashi said as Tsunade's eyes narrowed at the information.

"What are your plans for Sasuke?" Tsunade asked.

"Aside from letting Fate run its course absolutely nothing." Madara replied.

"Earlier you said you wanted the Five Kage as hostages," Mifune cut in as Madara turned his eye onto the samurai. "For what purpose?"

"Why would I want the Five Kage hostage you might ask? So that my Eye of the Moon plan could be carried out without any unnecessary complications," Madara explained as Mifune nodded slowly. "You see currently I'm not all that powerful with my existence being merely a shell of my former self, so to speak."

"So this is all a plan to return to your original self." Onoki asked as Madara hummed in thought and nodded.

"I suppose you could make that claim however that isn't all that there is to it. The important information you all need to know about the Eye of the Moon plan is this, all shall become one with me." Madara said getting confused looks from everyone causing him to sigh as he explained. "My ultimate goal is to create a world where all becomes unified within me."

"Become one? All unified? What does that mean," Onoki demanded as Madara's eye narrowed in on the elderly Kage.

"Where to begin," Madara mused as the Kage waited for the man to explain himself. "Ah of course first we must begin with the Rikudou Sennin or the Sage of the Six Paths as he is more commonly known as of today."

"What does the Sage have to do with all this, surely you can't expect us to believe this nonsense," Ay roared prompting Madara to chuckle slightly in amusement.

"Deep within the Uchiha Clan Compound lies a stone tablet, an artifact that was written by the Sage long ago. The text is written in three different texts and can only be deciphered by using the Sharingan, Mangekyo Sharingan, and the Rinnegan in order." Madara said.

"You really expect us to just believe such a tale? To believe that the Sage of the Six Paths himself just left the Uchiha a tablet meant only for their eyes," Onoki asked clearly not believing the story Madara was telling them.

"Say whatever you will but this is undeniable truth! The Sage of the Six Paths did indeed once exist and left behind a stone tablet and on that tablet is where you can find the connection between him and my plan!"

"If that is the case, Madara, you who possesses the Mangekyo Sharingan and the former thought to be leader of the Akatsuki who possessed the Rinnegan Nagato deciphered it, didn't you." Mei asked as Madara nodded.

"The information on the tablet was what allowed me to begin what would soon become the Eye of the Moon Plan," Madara said as his eyes wandered over the group. "The Rikudo Sennin saved the world from a monster."

"A monster...?" Gaara asked.

"Gaara, you once played home to but a portion of that monster," Madara explained. "The monster is a being possessed of the ultimate chakra. The Juubi"

"The Juubi" Tsunade gasped as Madara's eye darted to Tsunade in surprise. "Shinobu told me about it once, that there was a being greater than all the Bijuu combined that was separated into the Bijuu we know today. I thought she was just joking about it."

"Shinobu Oshino is correct though I am not surprised given what she truly is," Madara said as the other Kage looked toward Tsunade in confusion. "This being is indeed the fused form of all the Bijuu, the Juubi or Ten-tails whichever you want to call it."

"That's impossible, aren't there only supposed to be Nine Tailed Beasts," Mei asked in disbelief.

"I told you, it was a combination of ALL existing Tailed Beasts. All the Tailed Beasts from the One Tail all the way to the Nine-Tails are no more than beings created by dispersing the Ten-Tails power and being by the hands of the Sage of the Six Paths himself." Madara explained as the others began to understand what he was saying.

"If that is true then how did a being of such power end up being fractured into nine separate pieces," Mifune asked as the others nodded.

"Let me answer your question with another question," Madara replied as he looked down upon the now stunned Kage. "Where do you think the techniques for sealing the Tailed Beasts originated?"

"Each village has always had its own methods of sealing the beasts, it has always been this way," Onoki answered as Madara nodded.

"That is because the Ninjutsu was gifted to what was once the origins of fledgling nations and passed down in secret from generation to generation with its origins eventually being lost for you see the Sage was once the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki."

"That would explain his fabled power," Tsunade said more to herself than anyone else as Madara continued.

"To immobilize the Ten-Tails, he sealed it away within his own body in order to curb its destructive nature from destroying the world. Fearing what would happen upon his death however the Sage used the last of his powers to split the Ten-Tails into nine pieces and spread them out across the world."

"But surely something of that power wouldn't simply be defeated by such a fate," Onoki said as Madara nodded.

"Once the power had been taken and dispersed it left behind the shell of the beast and so the Sage sealed it and threw it up into the sky. Up there it became what we humans today know as the moon."

"Given what you've said and the Akatsuki's goal of capturing the Tailed Beasts it's only safe to assume you plan on reviving the Ten-Tails," Mifune said sharply. "What would you do once you had such power?"

"Once the Ten-Tails is revived I shall seal it within myself and become the next Jinchuuriki of the Ten-Tails and use its power to complete my Eye of the Moon Plan. Using its power I shall cast a great Genjutsu across the entire world, using the moon itself to project my eyes. I call this Infinite Tsukuyomi!" Madara said. "Controlling all of humanity within the Genjutsu, I will become one with the world!"

"But that's insanity, to strip all humans of their free will-!"

"Would be the end of all conflict, of all suffering! To remove the self is to remove all pain, suffering, and sorrow and by doing so I shall create the perfect utopia!" Madara said. "THIS IS MY MOONEYE OPERATION!"

"But a world achieved through such means would be meaningless, nothing but a mere illusion," Mei shouted in disbelief. "There would be no hope or dreams, only running from true reality!"

"A world united in such a way sounds more like a dystopian society rather than a utopia," Onoki added with all Five Kage agreeing.

"Well, what have you Five Kage been able to do hm? Out of all humans, you five should be able to understand the benefits of my plan the most!" Madara said.


"There is no such thing as hope! Dreams can exist however that is all they are, merely illusions much like the Infinite Tsukuyomi itself! With all the power you Five Kage hold, you crush the hopes of the people daily as you destroy their lives be it through war, famine, or simple greed! Humanity has proven itself incapable of deserving the right to function without Divine intervention!" Madara calmly explained.

"And just who are you to decide that," the Raikage growled. "Who are you to decide all of humanity isn't worthy!"

"Who are you to decide that they aren't," Madara countered quickly only serving to anger the Raikage. "All of you are just as guilty as are your predecessors in this constant nightmare we call life! I shall give you all one chance to assist me in achieving the Eye of the Moon Plan. Hand over the Eight and Nine-Tails and co-operate with my operation or war will be upon us!"

"War?!" Gaara started before being interrupted by the Raikage.

"What are you talking about, you took Bee from-!"

"The capture of the Eight-Tails failed and he got away," Madara replied effectively silencing the Raikage. "Being the perfect Jinchuuriki and shinobi he was I'm not all that surprised he was able to evade capture as expected of your brother."

"The whereabouts of the Raikage's brother aside I will not hand Naruko over to the likes of you," Gaara said defiantly.

"Nor will I," Mei added as the Tsuchikage turned to the Raikage.

"What about you?" He asked

"Of course, I'll never hand over my little brother to this scum!" Raikage growled out.

"I may have no power myself...But I have the power of the Bijuu I have thus far collected." Madara said. "You have no hope of victory."

"We will not abandon hope." Gaara said looking defiantly at Madara.

"I see," Madara said as everyone felt a sudden pressure. "Then I hereby declare the Fourth Great Ninja War!"