Naruto Shippuden 24

Madara walked out with anger marring his face. How could he be beaten by a child? He wouldn't allow this.

"This can't be. I won't lose! I can't lose!" Madara exclaimed in anger as Naruko with her blowing in the wind watched him with a blank look on her face. "All this planning I have made would be meaningless. Can you not see I am trying to help the world. Why must you oppose me NARUKO UZUMAKI! I WON'T ALLOW IT. I CAN'T ALLOW IT!".

"That's why...That's why. I won't allow my dream to die because of a brat throwing a temper tantrum." Madara exclaimed before letting out a roar in anger as he began to dig deep into his power trying to find a way to get past this obstacle in his way.

-With the Shinobi Alliance-

"Impossible, he can go higher!" Onoki shouted in shock and fear.

"That girl, look what she has done. Allowing someone like Madara Uchiha to get stronger to fulfill her own desire. Such Foolishness. It makes me so ANGRY." Ay said slamming his fist into the ground causing a fissure.

"Naruko...Damn it. How did it end up like this?" Tsunade said looking through the void Shinobu created so they could view the fight for the safety of their own home.

-Back with Naruko and Madara.

Madara's power increase was so immense that his chakra aura went around the entire planet blocking out some of the light from the sun.

After powering up Madara walked out of the destroyed area in a new form. His sage robes had been destroyed living him in only pants. His muscle mass had increased and one of the horns on his head had broken. His skin was still pale. Surrounding him was a red chakra aura.

The two of them once again stared at each other.

Not giving Naruko a chance Madara charged straight at her with his new power increase. Their arms and legs smacked each other as numerous powerful shockwaves which continued to ruin the planet's landscape. After a while of clashing, Madara charged up a fist and struck directly at Naruko who caught it in her hand.

"No, matter what...I will never lose to you brat" Madara said as they fought for dominance before his fist began to steam causing Naruko to look in confusion as she was suddenly blasted back causing her to scream in pain and land on her back.

Madara soon charged up a massive fire jutsu and sent it to Naruko who was getting up, and with wide eyes barely jumped over the attack that exploded as it hit the ground. Naruko soon landed on the edge of a mountain looking down at Madara who fired out more jutsus and truth-seeking orbs which she blocked with both her arms shielding her, with her tanking the barrage of attacks causing continent-sized explosions around her.

After the attacks which she blocked, she looked up in shock to find Madara charging up another fire-jutsu that was stronger than everything he had thrown at her already. She began charging up a black Kamehameha.

"Haaaaaaa!" Naruko exclaimed firing it as it fought for dominance with Madara's attack.

"Ghaaaaa!" Madara exclaimed putting more power and slowly overpowering and consuming Naruko's attack which hit her directly as she cried out in pain. She was pushed back before hitting the ground as the attack caused a massive explosion that engulfed the entire planet.

The aftermath of the attack was devastating, there were black flames littering the area and a cloud of smoke everywhere. In the center was a massive creator where Naruko was blasted into. Soon after the cloud of smoke was forming into a cyclone as Naruko blasted out of it surprising Madara. She attacked with a fist which Madara skilfully ducked underneath and disappeared with speed before appearing trying to attack Naruko who also disappeared. This continued until they both exchanged kicks to the face, hitting each other and pushing each other back.

They soon dashed back grabbing a hold of each other's hand in a test of strength,

"How much power do you have left? You brat." Madara said angrily as Naruko grit her teeth in the power struggle.

Both their auras clashed against each other destroying the surrounding environment and landmarks around them.

Naruko broke the struggle with a knee to Madara's gut causing him to spit out saliva before he tried attacking Naruko who dodged some of his attacks before hitting her with a kick to the arm. She skidded back as she fired off a blast of darkness which Madara blocked in place before sending it back at her as it exploded when it hit her sending her flying into the air while crying out in pain. Madara appeared above her before hammering her downward with a double axe handle. As she was falling down Madara fired another fire-style jutsu with Amaterasu striking her in the back speeding up her descent before she hit the ground and ate dirt.

-With the Shinobi Alliance-

Everyone was in shock as their hope was on the floor not moving, people began crying for her to get back up and finish the fight while others were cursing her name.

"SHUT UP! Can't you see she is trying dammnit? Shinobu can you project our voices to her so we can encourage her." Tsunade asked getting a nod from the dual-colored-haired woman.

-With Naruko and Madara-

Naruko's body was twitching showing she was still conscious.

"Naruko, come on get back up. The fate of the world is lying on your shoulders." Tsunade's voice came as Naruko looked around in shock before smiling.

"Little sister, are you going to let this Saturday Morning Villain stop you? I know you are stronger than this." Alucard said next.

"Naruko, Only you can do this. You are number one." Sakura's voice came in.

More voices came in encouraging her to keep on fighting as Naruko slowly got up to her feet while breathing deeply shocking Madara.

"Impossible, you shouldn't be able to move. How do you still have the stamina to fight?" Madara asked shocked and slightly annoyed.

"Madara, as I said earlier I am not stopping till I kill you. So this fight is not over yet!" Naruko said with a smile.

"How are you still standing?" Madara asked.

"Everyone is counting on me. I need to avenge everyone that died at your hands, directly or indirectly and no one wants to live a false dream. You're taking away free will and that's wrong." Naruko said. "And I swear on their faith and trust. I won't let them down!"

"Silence! You selfish brat." Madara said with a glare. "Can't you see I'm trying to help the world? What your saying is meaningless."

They both advanced at each other with Madara trying to get a hit on Naruko who dodged.

"I'll show you the error of your ways and what we're fighting for is not meaningless!" Naruko exclaimed as she looked at Madara.

"What!" Madara replied.

-With Shinobi Alliance-

Everyone was watching through the television created by Shinobu so everyone could see the battle going on.

"She's increased in speed once again. Incredible. She's most definitely faster than you Fourth Hokage." Tobirama said with a smile.

"Hehehe, that's my girl. Surpassing her old man. I'm proud of her." Minato said with a smile.

"Not only has Naruko tried to lift people up and help in her mysterious ways. But we are powering her strength."

"It's because of Naruko, we're here now today" another voice called

"Some of us fought as enemies first and now are allies." came the voice of Zabuza with Haku by his side.

"And when fighting she has a way of drawing and inspiring those around her." came the voice of Sakura.

"That's the kind of person Naruko is." Gaara said with a smile.

-Back with Naruko and Madara-

They both continued their clash while warping around the planet with none having a clear advantage.

This was soon broken when Naruko landed a hit on Madara's face with him retaliating with a punch that she blocked with her arm. They resumed a brief clash before Madara got a successful kick to Naruko which she barely blocked and was sent flying downwards. She soon regained her balance and landed on a flat surface as she looked up at Madara who was coming to her with a diving kick.

She moved out of the way as the kick obliterated the entire area. Madara looked up and saw Naruko thrust out her fist sending a blast of airwaves that hit his stomach sending him flying and caving through mountains.

He swiftly landed on his feet and sent more jutsus and truth-seeking orbs which Naruko dodged as she used the terrain and slow falling rubble as footsteps and holds to approach Madara. She made a massive leap into the air flipping and coming down with a roaring fist hitting Madara straight in the chest destroying the ground beneath him from the shockwave created sending him flying back.

"Who cares about trust. Who cares about all that nonsense. Can't you see I'm trying to save this world? Very well I'll kill you like that useless Uchiha I killed earlier." Madara said before Naruko's power erupted again.

"That Uchiha was my best friend. His name was Sasuke. Yeah, how could I forget that?" Naruko said with sad eyes before her face morphed into pure unadulterated rage. "This is for SASUKE, GRAMPS, AND EVERYONE YOU'VE KILLED! NOW DIEEEEE!!!"

Madara looked as an angry Naruko blitzed him punching him through multiple obstacles and finally hitting him in the jaw. Madara threw a punch which she blocked and got a hold of his hand and judo tossed him over her shoulder. He dived back in trying to tackle her but she disappeared in a burst of speed and she immediately appeared to his side punting him into the air.

Madara flew backward and landed on some falling debris and with a shout fired more attacks. Naruko flying towards him dodged the attacks while somehow running on some of them using them as footholds to get close to him. As they approached each other they exchanged fists while bouncing around the Earth in grey and red blurs ramming around and destroying everything in their paths.

They soon fell in between two random mountains and skidded across each other before pushing off the mountains with force obliterating them while exchanging blows as they dropped to the ground.

Upon reaching the ground, they both separated and skidded away from each other.

-With the Shinobi Alliance-

"GO, NARUKO! BEAT MADARA FOR US!" came the voice of every Shinobi present.

-Back with the fight-

Naruko ran up to Madara before leaping up into the air to continue the fight. However, she was met with Madara who flashed his Rinne-Sharingan with power using its power to try to push Naruko back who with her willpower resisted and broke away.

Upon seeing this Madara was shocked before he brought back both his fists and rained down millions of punches at Naruko who dodged every single one of them and slipped behind the last hit getting a clear shot at Madara. Using this opening she landed an earth-shattering uppercut sending him flying off the falling debris and rocks in pain. Naruko in the air started charging up her strongest Kamehameha.

"HAAAAAAAA!" Naruko shouted out firing the attack at the falling Madara with him being engulfed and sending him flying back and detonating on impact creating a large explosion that surrounded the planet while clipping a part of the moon.

On the ground was Madara who was breathing heavily as he couldn't stand up. He looked up to see Naruko approach him.

"Well? Why won't you finish me? That's what you wanted from the very beginning, isn't it? To kill me." Madara asked groaning and wincing in pain.

"..." Naruko looked down at him.

"Nothing to say. Hn, just end it." Madara said as Naruko brought out the kokorowatari ready to kill Madara.

Before anything could happen, Naruko dropped to her knees and fell face-first into the floor before coughing up a lot of blood. She stood to her hand and knees heavingly panting and confused about what was happening.

"*huff* *huff* AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Naruko screamed out as her red eyes went white as she briefly passed out from overusing her body without any rest for the whole Shinobi War. Her body let out waves of dark energy dancing erratically around her and Madara.

-With the Shinobi Alliance-

"What happened Shinobu?" Tsunade asked concerned for the health of her god-daughter.

"I always told her not to push herself too much without regular breaks. It seems that her body has been crushed under the force of her abilities. She'll heal but it would take longer than usual.

"Shinobu!!" came the voice of Sasuke who was fully healed. "Take me to her. I'll try and stall for time. Please. Sakura, Kakashi, I need some help."

"Sure Sasuke" "Very well." They said respectively

"Are you sure about this?" Shinobu asked with a grin.

"Yes, please heal us and boost us for a bit?" Sasuke asked before they all got healed as Kakashi still had Obito's Sharingan in his eyes.

"You three, come back alive." Tsunade said as Shinbou opened up a portal for them.

-With Naruko-

Naruko was on her hands and knees as she looked up to see Madara pick her up by her hair and look her in the eyes. He started getting ready to throw her into the sun.

"Naruko Uzumaki. You are indeed strong and I would hate to see this fight end because of this, but I have a world to save without you in it." Madara said as he threw her with all his strength as she flew towards the sun. Only for someone to catch her unconscious body on their shoulder.

The person dropped to the floor while dropping Naruko's body gently.