Naruto Shippuden 26

It has been 2 years since the end of the Fourth Shinobi War. The Alliance had worked together in fixing up the damages caused by the fights. That took a few months to be completed.

Naruko who was now 18 years old but looked in her mid-20s is currently standing on an empty planet with Sasuke, Sakura, and Tamamo with the help of Shinobu. This was the location Naruko and Sasuke would have their final fight. Sakura and Tamamo were on the side cheering on their respective lovers with Sakura waving a flag with Sasuke's face on it while Tamamo was in a cheerleading outfit and cheering on Naruko. While Shinobu, Kaede, and Alucard were next to them having some juice wishing both of them luck.

Naruko looked at Sasuke as she pointed in Sakura's direction "How did she get such detailed drawings of your faces on those flags?" She asked curiously.

"I have no idea," Sasuke said looking in Sakura's direction with a creeped-out face.

"Her love for you is wonderous but nowhere as beautiful as Tammy's love for me," Naruko said with a sly grin looking at the dancing Tamamo with a blush as she saw some interesting views.

He looked at her with a shrug "Where are you heading from here. I heard from your sisters that you guys will be leaving and traveling the 'infinite multiverse', whatever it is." Sasuke asked curiously.

"Yeah, It would be quite the journey, a nice vacation I dare say," Naruko said still looking at the cheering Tamamo with a slight blush. "Hmm, I wouldn't mind having you guys coming along. You're the oldest friends I have and it would suck leaving you guys behind. Alucard, Shinobu, and Kaede already enjoy your presence. Tamamo doesn't hate you anymore for being an Uchiha, so that's a step in the right direction."

"I'll take you up on the offer. Just tell Sakura. Anyways let's get down to what we came to do today. A fight, no holding back." Sasuke said.

"You seem far stronger than usual. What's up with that?" Naruko asked curiously.

"Oh yeah. I got some boosts in power after we split up a while back. Firstly, after Itachi removed Orochimaru's curse mark, I might have lost access to the transformation, but the stats that came with it stayed with me. Then I got an EMS Sharingan that you already know about. The Old sage gave me the rinnegan and the final one came from whatever Shinobu gave me. It brought me up to unimaginable heights in power. It felt incredible but I couldn't use it properly on the first try and ran out of stamina quite quickly." Sasuke said while clenching his fist. "But after a bit of training with Shinobu, I have a semblance of control over it."

"Impressive, very well I'm ready to start," Naruko stated, flying up to a cliff and standing on it.

"Very well, best of luck," Sasuke said before flying to the cliff opposite Naruko's.

"It's time for the Final Showdown." "This ought to be good." Naruko and Sasuke said respectively getting into stances.

"Let's make it count!" they both exclaimed before flying at each other with their fists colliding as the force pushed them both back.

Naruko springs into the air above Sasuke and drops back down with an overhead axe kick which Sasuke easily dodges as Naruko's foot destroys some of the forests. Sasuke throws a nameless fire jutsu as Naruko flies through it putting the flames out as she fires out some blasts which Sasuke dodges.

Naruko flies in with a kick that Sasuke catches with both his hands as she tried to break free and does not succeed. Sasuke spins her around and flings her away as she does a few flips while bouncing off some trees and landing perfectly just above a lake.

Sasuke makes a few hand signs before summoning up his Kirin in the sky and sending it towards Naruko who flies while dodging it. She looks back in shock as the Kirin evaporates the lake upon contact. Turning her attention back to Sasuke she lands an uppercut that sends Sasuke back as he regains his balance in the air. Sasuke dives back in following with a punch that Naruko blocks with her arm as she countered with a roundhouse kick that Sasuke avoids. She tries to kick him again as he vanishes from her vision. She looks around her only to receive a foot to the gut by Sasuke sending her to the ground as she skids back and lands on her feet.

"Nice hit," Naruko says getting a nod and a smile from him. She then flies back in only to be forced to block a kick from Sasuke with both her arms. She counters with a kick of her own aimed at his head which was blocked by his arm. Sasuke soon pushed her feet back and send two punches which she avoids by weaving past them and getting behind him. As he turns back he is met with a punch to his jaw. He swiftly retaliates with a knee that Naruko blocks with her arms sending her back slightly as he grabbed her leg, spinning her around and throwing her. As she was flying she sent out a beam of darkness that hit him sending him flying backward.

Both of them soon float in the air across each other waiting for one of them to initiate the next attack. After a few seconds, Sasuke initiates by firing a fire jutsu at Naruko who allows it to hit her. When the smoke clears it shows her without any scratches or burns.

They fly towards each other again exchanging hits and blows till they back off from each other.

"How about we take this up a notch," Sasuke asked getting a nod from Naruko.

"Very well then," Naruko said as behind Sasuke's back were floating truth-seeking orbs.

Sasuke started the offense by dashing in with a truth-seeking orb shaped as a katana as Naruko dodged the first hit backflipping backward. He continued swinging in arcs as Naruko was forced to dodge the hits with some nicking her leaving cuts before Sasuke got in a solid hit with a kick to her face sending her flying into the forest.

Naruko soon walked out of the forest with a pair of katanas wrapped around with darkness as they got into a sword duel. Their blades collide with each other as they each press for an advantage.

Naruko broke off the duel with a backhand spring. Before she was able to do anything a massive sword crashed down on her. She luckily was able to react and catch the sword with both hands and shoved it away from her. She looked up to see the Giant Ethereal Samurai Susanoo that Sasuke was in. Naruko took flight as she caught a sword swing from the Susanoo. Making use of her inhuman strength she ripped off one of its swords and shrouded it with her darkness. She began wielding the massive sword and began swinging it matching the Susanoo's sword as they began another sword fight.


The planet that both Naruko and Sasuke were fighting on was filled with craters and massive scars everywhere during their fight.

Both Naruko and Sasuke were worse for wear as both their clothing had been mostly shredded and they were bleeding profusely from wounds all over their body.

Both were breathing hard as they slowly approached each other by walking as they did not have the energy to run or anything. The two of them winded up with slow punches as they tried to hit each other. Sasuke's punch hit Naruko right in the chest while her punch, unfortunately, came up short as it missed. Sasuke pushed a little bit more as Naruko with a smile fell to the ground as she continued to breathe heavily.

"Ha, your win Sasuke," Naruko exclaimed from the floor with a smile.

"Sasuke-san is the winner." Shinobu said concluding the match with a smile.

"ZZZ-Zzzz-ZZzzz...." was all Alucard and Kaede said as they were peacefully sleeping, with Kaede sleeping on Shinobu's lap while Alucard rested her head on Shinobu's shoulder.

Next to them was Sakura who had tears in her eyes as she witnessed the greatest fight of her life and her Sasuke-kun won.

"I...I did it. I fi...finally beat...Naruko!" Sasuke said with his arm raised in the air as he slowly fell back to the ground laughing and breathing hard. "I really...did it..."

"Ka..kaka...Oh, fuck, it hurts to laugh." Naruko said on the floor as her wounds began to heal.