Start of Chapter

-17 Year Timeskip-

Naruko was laying in bed with Tamamo's tails wrapped around her gently. She looked at her wife's beautiful face as she slowly moaned when Naruko caressed her fox ears. Naruko was about to wake up Tamamo until she was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Good morning mother, hope you had a goodnight," A voice called from behind the door causing Naruko to smile warmly. Before she could get up she got a kiss from Tamamo who kissed her on the lips.

"They seem to be occupied!" Another voice called with a hint of laughter. Tamamo walked toward the door after pulling away from the kiss and she put in a bathrobe to cover her body before opening the door to reveal two girls.

The first girl was the older of the two. With a mature figure and long golden hair, shark-like teeth, and scarlet red eyes. She looked like a younger version of Naruko. Jutting out of her head were small black horns that formed a crown. This is Flandre Uzumaki Oshino or Flan, the 16-year-old daughter of Naruko and Tamamo. Flan walked up toward her mother and placed a kiss on her cheek as she was pulled into a hug by Tamamo.

The second girl also had a mature figure with long pink hair reaching to her waist, shark-like teeth, and yellow eyes. She has a pair of pink fox ears on top of her head, nine pink fluffy tails from her backside, and greatly resembled Tamamo while having a few of Naruko's features like fangs. She walked toward Tamamo and gave her a hug, before getting a kiss on her forehead. This is Rosalina Uzumaki Oshino or either Rose or Rosa. She is also 16-year-old and the second daughter of Naruko and Tamamo.

"Good morning Rosalina, Flandre," Tamamo said with a smile as she released both teenagers from her hug. Tamamo moved out of the way so both her daughters could walk in to greet the others in the room.

"Morning mother," Flandre said with a smile as both she and Sam walked up to Naruko who was sitting by the bedside while smiling at her daughters.

"Morning daughters, are you both thirsty?" Naruko asked with a small smile. Both girls looked confused before realizing what their mother meant as a blush crept onto their cheeks. Naruko smiled warmly at them as she parted some of the hair at her neck, exposing her neck. Both girls looked at their mother's neck before biting into it and sucking some of her blood. After a few moments, the girls broke away as the puncture mark on Naruko's neck steamed and healed. "I hope you two had a good night's sleep?"

"We did," Rose said as she sat on the left of her mother while Flandre sat on the right as they both leaned onto Naruko's shoulder. "I wanted to ask if I could visit both Kunou and Sarada and the rest of their family."

"We haven't seen them in a while," Flandre said with a shrug before remembering some important information. "Aunt Shinobu said that Aunt Scathach would be coming over and staying with her and Aunt Kaede for an indefinite amount of time. Just letting you know."

"Oooh, haven't seen Shishou in a while..." Naruko said with a grin before noticing Tamamo walking toward her and taking a sit on her lap. "Well, when we're going to Kyoto I'll be sure to remind both of you."

The past few years had been quite enjoyable for the Oshino family. Sasuke and Sakura had met up with a nine-tailed fox by the name of Yasaka in Kyoto and after a while, all three of them got married. After all, it was Sasuke's mission to repopulate the Uchihas and he wasn't going to fail in this mission. Tamamo and Yasaka got along quite well with both being nine-tailed foxes. While their daughters were good friends and sometimes trained together.

"Thanks, Mom!" Both girls said as they got up and began making their way to the door.

"Apologies if we interrupted your morning activities, fufu~," Rose said with a sly grin as she walked out of the room with a giggling Flandre walking out behind her.

"How considerate of them," Tamamo said with a chuckle as she watched Flandre close the door behind her before looking at Naruko and kissing her deeply while sitting on her lap. "Well, we do have most of the morning to ourselves. How about we continue where we left off from last night?"


Akemi Hyoudou was down in the dumps. Luck was on her side today—but not the kind of luck she wanted to have.

Being chased by a swarm of angry women was not her plan for the day as she was caught in her usual spot peeping on them was bad luck which she might have deserved. Luckily she was able to avoid getting the shit beaten out of her was good luck. Unfortunately, she won't be able to return to the female bathhouse as there have been strategies used to deny her entrance with her attitude. Not without some hocus pocus invisibility shenanigans.

Sighing and accepting defeat, she began her journey back home as she was whining about how she would be unable to have a glimpse at supple perfect breasts. It's not like she could check herself out. She now needed to find a new hiding spot to be able to spy on the girls. She had a while to plan for that as her school doesn't start in another two weeks.

As she walked down the path to her home she prayed to any god to find a solution to her predicament. Masturbating and reading porn was good and all but she needed something extra, some action. By a fate of twisted luck, her prayers were soon answered. Akemi blinked as she noticed something different and new as she walked back home. She came to a stop as she looked across herself.

A cold shiver ran up her spine. Why was there a new store in front of her that she most definitely did not see yesterday or this morning? Was walking into the store her destiny to find solutions to her problems.

And when did an odd brightly painted building set up shop in slum avenue?

"Who the fuck paints their store the colors of the rainbow," Akemi asked out loud before looking at the name of the store. "And what kind of name is Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap D4C."

The building wasn't anything too special. A typical two-story shop with the living quarters most likely being upstairs and the actual store downstairs. The only thing a bit off about it was the bright color, and the name.

'I mean, who would want to buy from a store called the Gutsy Toad? ' Akemi thought, it didn't even make any sense! More so it sounded disgusting!

In spite of herself, Akemi found her legs already moving without any given mental command, and by the time the chiming bells signaling her entrance died down, it was already too late.

The inside of the store was even more eccentric than the outside, the youth noted. A vibrant mix of clashing colors. The counter was blue. The walls were an aging silver. The floor tile was yellow and the tiny oriental lamps hanging from the ceiling were a crimson red. Akemi couldn't help but wonder if the interior designer who thought this all up was okay in the head.

There was no sense of balance or even a shred of normalcy. No matter how hard she tried, she could not even discern what it was the place sold. Even with all of that, however, she did not feel uncomfortable. If anything she felt at ease here. The store had a mellow, almost welcoming feeling to it.

Her thought process was interrupted by two beautiful voices and it sounded like that of a woman. Maybe she was too harsh to fate today.

"Mother dearest, we have a new customer,"

"~Ooh! A customer! I'll be right there, honey!"

Akemi deadpanned at the audible sound of things falling and crashing, followed by a string of curses. The first thing she noticed were two figures, one taller than the other. They both stepped out from the now open door in the very center of the back wall and Akemi noticed that the floor tile matched both women's hair. It was blond. No, it was gold. Akemi had never seen such beautiful blonde hair in her life.

Then muddy brown eyes met crimson red as she looked at both women.

After meeting their gazes, Akemi found herself strangely relaxed and horny. Her unintentionally tensed muscles loosened as a comforting aura fell over her entire person. That calming aura helped A LOT in toning down her surprise —and fear—when she noticed something strange about both women's appearances. Namely, the horns on their head.

'What...What the hell...?' Akemi thought in fear noticing the horns on both women.

2 large black horns with pink decorations protrude from the temple of the first woman, curving upwards.

While black horns jutted out from the head of the second woman forming a crown, with both having long elf-like ears.

"Hello there, dear customer. Name's Naruko Oshino. This is my lovely daughter Flandre. I'm the joint owner of this wonderful establishment you walked into. Whatever you need we've got but.." Naruko said with a smile

"But it will cost you, dear!" Flandre said with a devilish grin scaring Akemi.

Akemi blinked. A shaky finger comes up to point at the horns on both women's heads. "You...have horns... and big tits?" Akemi shamelessly said in disbelief and in awe.

"You...you can see them...?" Naruko asked perplexed, before crossing her arms over her massive bust. All of a sudden wide grin spread across her mouth like a Cheshire cat. "Well, whaddya know! You must be one of those special people! We got a visit from one of you guys when we first set up shop here. Can't really remember his name though. Hmm, Azel? No. Axul? What was it, honey?"

"Azazel," Flandre said with a small shrug before walking to the counter and taking a sit while watching the interaction.

Akemi could not respond. She was too busy twitching on the ground. Five minutes later and a lot of fanning on Naruko's part, Akemi awoke to the now concerned face of her previous reason for fainting hovering above her. The horns on her head, are dangerously close to Akemi's person. Gulping, she idly realized that they looked very, very pointy and quite devilish.

"C-Could you not stand so close to me with those sticking out, Oshino-san," Akemi asked hoping the blonde Milf will listen to her request.

With a bright smile, the blonde stepped away. Rubbing the back of her head rather sheepishly as she offered the downed Akemi a hand. "My deepest apologies..." Naruko started with a slight smile."Usually, normal people are unable to see our horns because I placed an illusion on them, but so far there's only been one person, the guy my daughter mentioned, who saw right through it at first glance. Two if I count yourself. So, what are you girl? Devil? Angel? Fallen angel? Goddess? Something else that I don't know about?"

"I-I'm human..." Akemi stuttered out weakly. She took the extended appendage and shakily stood.

"I don't think so. Not if you can see these babies." Flandre said from the counter pointing at her head. "Mom says only the special people with their weird abilities can see them."

"Like she said," Naruko said before putting a clawed finger on her chin. "Unless you're also a dimensional-hopping deity who is on vacation, but the odds of that are slim," Naruko said leaning closely toward Akemi and leveling the girl with a glare. "You're not...are you?"

Akemi shook her head nervously.

"Great! Because then I would've grilled you to death for disturbing my holiday!" Naruko said before having a thoughtful expression on her face. "Maybe I'm exaggerating but Alucard would most definitely do that."

This lady might be crazy Akemi deduced. Who believed in Devil, Angels, and Dimensional-hopping deities.

What the hell was she talking about?! Akemi's head began to pound from all the seemingly useless and insane dribble spewing out the older woman's mouth by the second while the younger one was on her phone. That's it. she was out of here. Without even bothering to respond, Akemi took a deep breath and steeled her resolve before promptly turning around and walking off. She blinked once and Naruko who was previously behind her was now suddenly in front of the only exit with a bag of popcorn.

"Oh no, you don't!" Naruko said while eating some of the popcorn she created. "People only find this place when there's something they desperately need, and when you step in here we've gotta help you find that something. In return, you'll owe whoever helped you a favor. That's the price you pay kid, so cough up! What is it that you want, and how can I help you."

Yeah...that was it, this was all a dream. That explains why she didn't get the life beaten out of her by all of those girls and why there was some crazy hot chick asking to fulfill her desires while eating Popcorn she summoned from thin air. Alright, if this was a dream, then she had no choice and nothing to lose! Clenching her fists tightly and bracing herself, Akemi took a deep breath and opened her mouth wide before shouting her want with all the passion she could muster.


Naruko did the exact opposite of what she had expected and what she normally received from other people daily whenever her glorious goal was mentioned.

Naruko had a grin before turning to Flandre and giving her a nod. Flandre walked away from the counter and disappeared into thin air freaking out Akemi.

"What the hell is going on here...?" Akemi asked confused looking at Naruko. What kind of dream was this? Why wasn't she surrounded by beautiful, buxom women like all the previous ones?

"I'm back," Flandre said, suddenly appearing once again freaking Akemi out.

'What's with them and doing that?' Akemi thought as she shifted her attention to the small stack of books in Flandre's clawed hands, twelve of them to be exact. "Books?"

"Not just books," Naruko said as she took the books off her daughter and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "This will teach you how to achieve your ultimate goal! The man who wrote these was a legend where I'm from, a super-mega-ultra class pervert who mastered all the techniques! These twelve volumes are his legacy, a collection of his vast and powerful knowledge!"

"R...Really?" Akemi asked in awe looking at the books in Naruko's hands.

"Yes dear," Naruko said with a slasher-like smile that showed all her shark-like teeth slightly scaring Akemi. "Read them, study them, and you will understand. Look underneath the underneath and find the hidden wisdom! They are yours now. Take good care of them."

Naruko in all her divinity placed the stack onto Akemi's quivering and outstretched hands. Already the teen could feel the sheer aura radiating from these books. It was overbearing! Overwhelming! Suffocating!

"Oshino-san, I thank both you and your daughter for this wonderful gift," Akemi said looking at both blondes with tears in her eyes. "I shall take very good care of this treasure."

"Please call me Naruko," Naruko said with a soft smile looking at the brunette who ran out of the store and all the way home. "What a nice perverted girl. Reminds me of Pervert Sage."

"Fufu, She is quite the interesting girl I must say," Flandre said with a smile as she watched the door slowly close.

Hours later and Akemi's parents would find their daughter sprawled out over her bed with blood still gushing from her nose and a heated blush over her blissful features. The sad part was she had yet to even get past chapter one.

End of Chapter