Quick Note: I have changed the first 3 chapters. Hope you enjoy it.

"What a beautiful day, don't you think so Wife?" Tamamo said dressed in a black collared buttoned dress and a belt at her waist as she flipped the closed sign in front of the store.

"Mother Dearest, isn't the point of the open and closed sign pointless?" Rose asked sitting on the couch with Flandre, while both her mothers put things in order. She wore a white buttoned dress shirt with a long-sleeved black jacket over it. She wore a pair of black pants and ankle-length heels.

"I mean only the special folks can see the store." Flandre chimed in walking toward the gaming room set up. She wore a long-sleeved white shirt which was tucked into a black and red pleated skirt. She had a pair of red thigh-highs with a pair of high heels. Her blonde hair was now short and put into a single bun with a hair ribbon.

"She makes a very good point," Naruko said tidying up the store. She wore a long dress that showed her side boobs, sides, and some part of her mid-section with a pair of thigh-high white boots. On her arms were a pair of disconnected belled sleeves. Finally, she had a piece of cloth(Nun Habit) over her head and blonde hair that covered part of her horns.

After Naruko and Tamamo tidied up they both sat together while drinking from the glass they filled with alcohol. "I wonder who'll visit us today? Azazel turned Alucard down the first time he came by, and so far the only other person that's visited has been Akemi. Hmm, should I check up on her?" Naruko asked with a smile.

"Akemi?" Tamamo asked looking at Naruko only to be interrupted by Rose.

"A girl we met two days ago mother," Rose said as she closed the book she was reading before looking at her mother. "She is quite the pervert, a delicious morsel I dare say."

"No eating, or mind fucking our customers dear," Naruko spoke up beside Tamamo with a small smile. "Plus, I already made a contract with Akemi-kun. I'll leave her be for now she still has to finish all of those books before we move on to the next phase anyway."

"May I join in the next phase Beloved," Tamamo asked sensually tracing a finger across Naruko's thighs and placing a kiss on her lips as they began to slowly make out before breaking apart forming a trail of saliva from their lips. "Taste good as always Naruko."

"You too Tammy-chan," Naruko said with a smile as she noticed that Rose was making her way outside after spotting a black cat. "Strange cat."

-With Rose-

"What a cute cat," Rose said as she walked outside to look at it. Crouching to her knees so she didn't look too intimidating to the feline before patting the ground next to her. "Here kitty kitty, come on over! You deserve a treat!"

Rose made sure to make her voice as sweet and alluring as possible, she clenched her fist for a split second before opening it again. The cat's tail immediately perked at the sight of some cat treats that appeared in her hand.

"Excellent! I see I have your interest peaked, come to me kitty, and be rewarded!" Rose said sweetly. The black cat didn't hesitate. In one graceful leap, the agile feline cleared the entire span of the wide road within seconds, landing without sound and prancing on light feet all the way toward the curious blond open palm. For a moment, it cautiously sniffed the treat, its slit pupils bouncing back and forth between the smiling blonde and the arguably delicious-smelling cat treat.

Back in the store Naruko and Tamamo were both conversing and flirting while keeping track of what Rose was doing. While they both continued their flirting Rose appeared with the cat wrapped around her tails with the cat making frightened cat noises and noticing the group of peculiar beings in front of it. Rose immediately handed the cat over to her parents before walking back to her sister who was in the gaming room and streaming online.

"Since you can see us that means you're no normal fuzzy kitty! I can smell weird stuff coming from you, and last I checked kitties were not toads that used ninja magic. Unless I missed something, in which case then I apologize for insulting your talent!" Naruko said as she picked up the cat that was on the counter and dropped it carefully on the floor before taking a bow. "Now then! To explain the purpose of this place! My name is Naruko Oshino, and the cutie beside me is my wife Tamamo Oshino. And you, my furry little friend, are the most desperate kitty on the planet if you managed to find your way here! See our job is to help you, or anyone that manages to find us, realize their number one goal no matter! But there's a price you gotta pay if you agree." Naruko said with an evil gleam in her red eyes. "So what can we do for you? Can you talk or should we play the guessing game? Oh! If we do, can we play charades?!"

"Beloved, the kitty doesn't look like it wants to talk," Tamamo said as she and Naruko noticed the cat's meows.

"...I see," Naruko nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders "I apologize for wasting your time then. Come back if you change your mind though, that is if you can find this place again!" Naruko then waved goodbye before snapping her fingers and sending the cat out of the store.

In an instant, the cat found itself back on the sidewalk. Only this time there was no shop and no big bosomed women. It blinked slowly, then it meowed and made its way toward who knows where. A faint "Bye kitty Sage." echoed in its ears. If cats could smirk, the same black cat would most likely be doing just that right about now.

"All the talk about kitties and pussies has gotten me in quite the mood," Tamamo said with a smile as she looked at Naruko.

"...We don't really have anything to do," Naruko said with a shrug before creating a blank paper and leaving a message to her daughter to watch over the shop. "Plus, it's been a while since we went for some rough sex."



Naruko and Tamamo soon reached their room with Tamamo suddenly pulling Naruko into a heated make-out session, which Naruko eagerly returned. The brunette was unable to suppress a moan when she felt Naruko's hands slip under her skirt and began squeezing her ass. Naruko took her chance to push her tongue into Tamamo's mouth, wanting to refamiliarize herself with every inch of Tamamo's body.

Though after a few moments, Naruko broke the session and quickly dematerialized her clothes, with Tamamo sensually removing hers slowly before leaving herself naked. Naruko lust filled eyes looked her up and down, before pulling Tamamo in close, pressing their breasts against each other.

"Kakaka~No matter how many times I see you, Tamamo-chan, I can't get enough of you," Naruko growled lowly, before claiming Tamamo's lips again, with the brunette happily wrapping her arms around the blonde's neck, holding her close.

The two moaned into each other's mouths, as they moved their thighs between their legs, grinding against the other's pussy. Naruko began to move her hand down Tamamo's naked back and resumed squeezing and fondling her ass, before giving it a sharp slap. The sudden action made Tamamo gasp in surprise and pleasure, before feeling Naruko's tongue enter her mouth again. This only urged Tamamo to pull Naruko closer to her, smashing their breasts together.

After a while, Naruko once again separated from Tamamo, before spinning her around and pressing her breasts into Tamamo's back. Tamamo made out a mewl of pleasure as Naruko played with her breasts from behind, before moving a hand down to her soaking cunt.

"Ara~ you're already so wet Tamamo-chan," Naruko said erotically, nibbling on Tamamo's fox ears, sending shivers down her spine. "Do you want me to pet your pussy, to make it feel better?"

"Y-Yes N-Naru-chan." Tamamo said, tilting her head when Naruko planted kisses along her neck.

"Or would you prefer me licking your slutty pussy~?" Naruko whispered, before suddenly bending Tamamo over the bed, with Tamamo catching herself with her hands on the bed, before looking back to see Naruko with a sadistic smile staring at her pussy on full display.

Licking her lips, Naruko didn't hesitate before diving in, eagerly lapping away at Tamamo's cunt, making her gasp and moan at the contact.

"Oh fuck, oh yes Naru-chan!" Tamamo moaned in pleasure and excitement at the feeling of Naruko's long tongue inside her.

Naruko smirked while larping up Tamamo's pussy, before grabbing her hips tightly and spreading her lips for more access. The blonde was more than happy to taste every inch of Tamamo's delectable pussy and feel her juices splashing onto her face, which by the sound of Tamamo's panting and moaning would be soon.

Unfortunately for Tamamo, just as she felt her climax about to come, she whined in dismay when Naruko suddenly moved away from her pussy.

"Wh-why d-di-did y-yo st-EEP!" Tamamo yelped, feeling a bunch of chains wrap around her arms and legs while fleshy hand constructs groped around her body. She tried to move but whatever these chains were made out of made her struggles pointless. She looked up to find Naruko now dressed in a revealing long white coat with belled sleeves and thigh-high pink boots.

Naruko traced her finger toward her wife's crotch cutting a hole through the fabric before drawing a circle around her pussy. Suddenly Tamamo's clitoris grew into a massive cock around 20 inches and quite thick, with her pussy underneath the cock and above the hand-sized testicles dangling below.

"Kakaka~, I hope you like your add-on," Naruko said with a bit of laughter, referring to the large veiny cock on Tamamo who simply moaned when Naruko straddled her. Naruko had a lew smile on her face as she stared down at her Beloved, her hands sliding up and down Tamamo's body while the constructs continued to grope and molest her. Naruko leaned in closer, breathing in Tamamo's scent, her nostrils flaring in arousal.

"Naruko-chan~," Tamamo said with a blush aligning her face as she could feel Naruko's lower lips grinding against her navel while leaving a sticky substance on her stomach. "...What is this~?"

"Ah. Is Beloved surprised? I did say I was in the mood for some rough sex," Naruko said with her perverse smile remaining on her face as she began to position herself. "Don't worry, you will enjoy this."

(Naruko POV)

I impale myself on her cock. Tamamo's eyes widen as the pleasure from my cunt immediately milks a release from her. She gasps as her cum and seed spill into my womb without hesitation. The exertion leaves her breathless but I don't stop there. Giggling to myself, I begin to ride my Beloved's cock as my pussy expands to fit it perfectly.

I continued to milk her, load after load of her cum, my pussy walls squeezing and tightening in all the right ways, as Tamamo's mind is driven deeper and deeper into a haze of pleasure, her thoughts overshadowed by the bliss and ecstasy enveloping her mind.

'Hmmm, she's enjoying it.' I thought with a smile, maybe know she knows why I called it 'Heaven's Hole'.

Tamamo was slowly losing herself in lust. Even if she wasn't bound, she still believed she'd be fucking me still right now, though in positions much different than this, if only to try and assert her dominance over me. Unfortunately, she is bound. Unable to escape, slowly overwhelmed with pleasure. My Beloved tries desperately to claw her way up out of the ocean of ecstasy she found herself drowning in.

I leaned forward and cupped Tamamo's face in my hands as I continues to ride her for all she was worth. My perverse smile fills my Beloved's hazy vision, and she finds herself focusing on my face enough to hear the words that I say next.

"Ah, there it is, Beloved. Sooo cute. How amusing, watching your ahegaoing face." I said before letting out a breathless, shuddering sigh at what I had just said, my cunt flexing around Tamamo's cumming cock in what might have been a small orgasm on my part.


"I...I'm impressed, Beloved. You were somehow able to escape the mind-melting pleasure of my Heaven's Hole. Or at least, it seems so. But then, if you could truly escape..." I said with a moan noticing that Tamamo was still fucking into my pussy. "...Hnnngh~ you wouldn't still be, mmm~, fucking me as you are now. Is the pleasure, mmm~, too much for you."

I began to giggle again as a flush slowly forms across my face. I soon noticed that Tamamo was controlling the pace of her thrusts as I began to experience more and more pleasure as she fucks me at different angles of her choosing, not quite giving me any time to recover. But I'm still quite composed on top of my beloved, even as she continued to rail me.

"Mm, go on then, Beloved. Exhaust yourself on my body..." I said with a confident and lustful smile as the fucking continued.


(Naruko POV)

At twenty-four hours, I was also impressed with Tamamo, but not at all worried. I was once again enjoying the way she continues to fuck me and continues to fill my Womb Realm with her seed, but there's no true danger of her exhausting the space any time soon.


Forty-eight hours in, and Tamamo is still fucking me, still cumming from the pleasurable flexing of my Heaven's Hole. Her seed continues to pour into my Womb Realm.


(Third POV)

"Our moms haven't left their room for almost 3 days," Rose said looking at her sister as they stood in front of their parent's door. They could both hear light moaning and grunts. "They're still having sex for that long...Incredible."

"Probably, well they'll probably be tired by the end of all of it," Flandre replied as she made her way downstairs with Rose following behind her with a smile on her face which Flandre quickly noticed. "Stop with your perverted looks!"

(Naruko POV)

When the seventy-second hour passes, I found myself biting my lower lip hard enough to draw blood. Tamamo was still going, even now. No longer groping my tits, though she had left them red with her fingerprints, fingernails, and teeth marks as she mauled them to her heart's content.


After four straight days of fucking, I was openly and loudly moaning now. My arms encircle Tamamo's neck and my legs wrap around her waist as My Beloved STILL continues to fuck me while taking a hold of my horns. She hadn't stopped, not even once all this time. And my Womb Realm is...near full. How is that even possible? Before today, I wouldn't have said it was possible.


But here we are, at nearly two hundred and forty hours later. Tamamo had lasted far longer than I'd ever thought possible, and the week and three days of constant fucking, along with gallons upon gallons of cum as my Heaven's Hole did what it did best and milked My Beloved constantly, had taken a toll on me as my eyes began to slowly blur.

Her lips finally move from their set line as she smiles sadistically below me as she breathed heavily and in exhaustion. My eyes widen at the triumph I see in Tamamo's gaze, and my mouth opens in a small 'O' that gets progressively larger as Tamamo thrusts forward and lets loose one final cum shot. The load that explodes out of her cock is truly massive... and with my Womb Realm already in its current state, Tamamo's last spurt overwhelms and destabilizes morphing my face into an ahegao expression.

I soon experience the true definition of mind-breaking. My eyes roll up in my head and my long tongue lolls out of my open mouth as I shake and spasm beneath My Beloved, seizing up from the explosive amount of pleasure that overwhelms my every thought.

By the time I came down from my orgasm, Tamamo had already pulled out and kneeled over me, her cock still hard and still leaking her seed, this time onto my exposed, naked belly as she looks down upon my defeated, writhing form like the triumphant conqueror that she is.

"Beloved... you... you are amazing. I-I had no idea. How could I? How foolish of me to think my Heaven's Hole could stand up to your level." I moaned out with a small smile on my defeated face. "Do...with me as you...wish."

Tamamo considers this for a moment with her head cocked to the side. Then, she moves up my body and places her messy cock between my breasts. And after a week and three days of fucking, of cumming inside of me...Tamamo's cock is VERY messy. It lands between my bountiful breasts with a wet smack, her seed ending up all over my chest and face as her cockhead rests on my chin.

"Very well. I'll take you up on your offer my love by starting with cleaning up the mess you made, slut." Tamamo said with a soft sigh. The way she degrades and demeans me is completely insulting and would have angered me if it was anyone else, but in the end that only sends a shiver of delight up my currently broken mind as I reach for my breasts and slide them up and down her cock, all while leaning in to suck her member into my mouth. "You did quite well Naruko-chan, just keep on sucking, my vampire goddess slut."

Chapter End.