When Akemi next awoke, she quickly realized a few things.

One, she was alive. Two, she had no idea where she was. Three, she noticed the smiles on both Tamamo and Naruko's faces. She soon noticed both their daughters, condescending and mocking smirks on their faces as they looked down upon her.

Glancing about at her surroundings, Akemi realized she was in a desert, a seemingly endless one that stretched on for miles and miles as far as the eye could see. Strangely enough, it wasn't all that hot despite the fact that she was standing in the middle of a desert of all things. How did she get here? She had no clue, but she did have the gnawing suspicion she was about to rather unpleasantly find out.

"Where are we?" Akemi asked looking at the family in front of her before she remembered that she was somehow alive. "How am I alive?"

"For your first question, we are in one of the many pocket dimensions that we have," Naruko said with a smile as she placed both hands behind her head and took a sitting position, her feet levitating a few inches off the ground as she laid back mid-air, with Tamamo feeding her some cherries while floating. "As for how you're alive, the girls brought you back to life once they found you laying in a pool of your own blood after your date. In my opinion, a weird date by the way."

"You...brought me back to life?" Akemi repeated slowly looking at both Flandre and Rose. Flandre simply shrugged while Rose gave Akemi an evil smile. "So I thought to myself, there could only be one logical explanation! Your date was actually a fallen angel in disguise who wanted to kill you because you could have possibly posed a threat to her and her leader's plan of conquest!" Naruko said continuing the explanation from where Tamamo stopped as she looked at Akemi. "She stabbed you with some light-based weapon, and left you dead."

"Fallen angel...?" Akemi mumbled out weakly. She thought all those were myths and legends, but to find out she died from one of them was pretty sad. "So then...I really did die?"

Naruko and Tamamo softly nodded giving the girl some time to get over her recent death and revival.

"And...And Yuuma-chan...really did k-kill me...?" Akemi said getting another nod before dropping to her knees, her eyes wide and her body shaking in anger. Flashbacks of the prior night came crashing down to her like a flood. She remembered the sweet innocent Yuuma.

Her very first girlfriend and probably the only girl other than her mom that paid her any attention if she didn't count the women in front of her. She soon remembered Yuuma shedding her human skin and turning into a hotter version of herself, only with a rather skimpy dominatrix-Esque outfit and black feathered wings.

It was all a lie.

Yuuma smiled at her like the devil itself and next she knew, she felt cold, her body unresponsive as it plummeted toward the hard ground. Yuuma's last words were a bit of jumbled a mess at the time, but Akemi could still remember most of what she said to her in her supposedly final moments.


"I apologize... perhaps... sacred gear... could have lived...Pathetic."


Pathetic, she was and felt pathetic.

Akemi's open palms dug at the sand underneath her fingers as she clenched them into tightly wound fists, tears dripping down her cheeks and staining the pale sand below him a darker hue. How could she have been so stupid?! Things were getting better?! Yeah right! If anything last night proved that it was only getting worse! By all accounts and purposes, she should be dead right now!

"Now now young one, don't be sad," Akemi heard Naruko's voice from above her and saw her hand approaching her before she began to slowly ruffle her hair as a mother would do to her child. "Drain those tears, it won't help you get your harem will it?"

"Y-Yeah...you're right," Akemi said as Naruko wiped the tears off her face with her hand. "Th-Thanks, all of you for reviving me."

"Not a problem Akemi-san, the least we can do for a customer under our care," Naruko said with a smile before helping Akemi to her feet. "You had me worried for a second you know? Don't go dying without fulfilling your part of your contract."

"O...OK...WAIT, SERIOUSLY?" Akemi said with a frown. "I just died, please cut me some slack!"

Akemi briefly registered something flying past her at untraceable speeds before an shook the very ground she stood over. If she couldn't feel any winds before, the teen certainly could now. Her dark brown hair flayed wildly as sand kicked up around her. A single bead of nervous sweat fell from her brow as the second year inched her head back to see exactly what had just happened.

A pillar of hot white energy was slowly dissipating into nothing, leaving behind a crater the size of at least a country in its wake. She guessed, she couldn't see too far beyond, definitely larger than the entirety of Kuoh.

"What—What the fuck...?" Akemi asked shocked as she looked at the aftermath of the explosion with wide eyes.

"Well, what's going to happen next is simple Akemi-san," Naruko spoke up with a smile looking at the shocked Akemi. "My sister visited your attacker last night after you were resurrected and dropped back at the store, and she made them explain to her exactly why it was they so haphazardly decided to kill you. As it turns out, you're not an angel, devil, or fallen! You're just an unlucky human with something called a Sacred Gear implanted into your body!"

Akemi looked on in shock at the revelation, what was a Sacred Gear? Before she could continue with her thoughts she saw Naruko slowly unveil a second, third, and fourth finger.

"My daughters told me that last night, in your desperation to keep on living, you awaken a small portion of the Sacred Gear's power. Just enough to keep your soul in the mortal plane, not that it would have stopped us from reviving you." Naruko explained getting a small nod from Akemi. "So here's where the fun part begins."

"Fun...part?" Akemi asked getting a small laugh from Naruko and that laugh sounded straight up evil.

"My beautiful daughters here will be assisting you in bringing out that power," Naruko said with a smile as both Flandre and Rose appeared at her side. Flandre stood beside her mother while sitting on the hilt of a large sword and a smile on her face that promised unimaginable pain. Rose was on her mother's left, she was in a white dress with different types of guns floating around her and all of them pointing at Akemi. "Assisting you by trying to kill you, all you have to do is stay alive. Sounds fun doesn't it?"

"F-Fun...How does that sound fun!" Akemi exclaimed with a pale face as she truly now knew that compared to these monsters, Yuuma was truly an angel. "Why is there a tank behind Rose-san!?"

"Who knows Akemi-kun who knows," Naruko said with a sweet smile as she huddled next to Tamamo as they both watched the...fight. "Don't forget to DODGE!"

Akemi didn't have time to throw curses or wallow in anger toward Naruko. She didn't even so much blink before Flandre's massive shape-shifting sword that could easily cut through many, many things without resistance and most definitely cut her in half was sent spiraling her way.


"Okay, run that by your loving big bro one more time please?" Sirzech said with a sigh while resisting the urge to rub his temples.

Rias Gremory mimicked her brother's action amidst the confines of the Occult Research Club room and let out a long, frustrated sigh herself while absentmindedly flipping her long crimson locks away from her face. She hated having to repeat herself, more so when the subject involved her embarrassment.

After last night's ordeal, Rias immediately sent word to her brother about what occurred and asked him to visit. Normally, she would never even dream of bothering the current Lucifer over something so trivial, but in all honesty, she really couldn't help it this time around. Last night she had been made a fool of in less than ten seconds, and it was a massive blow to her pride as the future head of the Gremory clan and as a devil overall.


"They just showed up, the bluenette resurrected Hyoudou-kun with no clear indication as to how she did it, and when I asked both of her to tell me then...the...she," Rias said as she felt a bit of crimson creep to her cheeks. She hadn't been this embarrassed before. "The blonde one with fox ears called me a tomato head and gave me the finger before they both walked through a portal with Hyoudou-kun in tow," Rias said with a scowl.

"..." Sirzech knew he should have been angry. Furious even! No one treated his beautiful, smart, attentive, prodigy of a little sister like that, no one! What's even worse is that one of the girls had the nerve to respond with such a rude and immature gesture as the middle finger! What was even worse was the fact that these people sounded strangely too familiar, he had to make sure he was right about them. "Could you describe both of them one more time?"

"The first girl had, pink hair, and orange eyes. Her attire wasn't anything... special. The second one..." Rias said taking a deep breather before her face turned red once again. "She had short blonde hair tied in a bun, red eyes, and a mob cap on her head. Her attire was...a white shirt tucked into a short skirt that showed off her...pa-panties and thigh-high socks and black heels. She was the one that healed Issei."

"Buchou, don't forget about the horns, and the fox ears you wouldn't stop talking about, fufu~" Akeno spoke up reminding her King of the important information she skipped with an amused smirk. "And the fact that they didn't feel like anything we know of. I would have guessed they were human if not for the absurd things they could do."

"Akeno..." Rias trailed off dangerously, her eye twitching. It wasn't hard to tell her queen found last night's incident to be somehow funny.

"Ara ara, I apologize, my king," Akeno said with a smile.

Neither of them noticed Sirzech freeze at the girl's mention of both blondes' appearances.

Horns. Exotic features. It couldn't be.

How was he supposed to fix this situation?

"Flandre...Rose...Oshino" Sirzechs whispered loudly to himself, blinking as he slowly realized his sister had come in contact with the group Azazel previously warned him about.

"Flandre...Rose...Oshino..." Rias repeated slowly, the names all but rolling off her tongue. "Are those their names? Are they related to each other?"

"...Yes and yes," Sirzechs said with a sigh, as the reality of what happened last night came to him after piecing the information together. "Yes, one of my contacts had informed me of a new presence that had taken refuge in this city. The two you met are sisters and part of the group. They are goddesses, for the most part, and have the ability to warp reality to their whim. It seems that two of them were the ones that stole your peerage member if my guess is correct. I can't help but wonder why. You say this Akemi Hyoudou is normally pretty unremarkable and a hugely disliked pervert within the female populace?"

"Yes," Rias replied simply to her brother with her head resting on her hand. "We'd been monitoring her for a while now. Besides the fact that she had a Sacred Gear inside of her, she was a remarkably plain lady, except for a few boys she ignored.

"Buchou set up a barrier last night so that we wouldn't be detected, and when we were sure the crow that had been targeting Akemi was gone. Buchou was going to resurrect Akemi into her peerage as a pawn, or perhaps a knight depending on how much potential she had and what Sacred Gear." Akeno spoke before her smirk doubled in size. "Before we could act, they showed up and the blonde in a dress released a vile, but unfamiliar energy. The next thing we knew Akemi was alive again."

"...What could their connection to the girl be?" Sirzechs mused to himself while both Rias and Akeno listened on. "From what I've been told, they run a shop in which the goal is to 'grant the desires of anyone desperate enough to find them' for a price. It could be that Hyoudou-kun managed to find their shop and entered into a sort of contract. It would most certainly make more sense than either girl just randomly passing by and resurrecting the Akemi out of sheer kindness."

It made sense now, Azazel described a few of them as being sociopaths and not having any sympathy or care except for themselves. A random act of kindness seemed too far-fetched for people like that.

"A shop that grants desires?" Akeno repeated looking at her King's brother. "That sounds...interesting to say the least."

"When you say it like that," Rias said while looking to the ceiling and thinking about Akemi's perversity. "Akemi Hyoudou does seem like the desperate type. I can't help but wonder, what price do you have to pay for their services brother?"

"No idea. There's a high chance that the girl hasn't yet repaid whatever debt she had if they so casually brought her back to life." Sirzechs said before getting serious. "Rias, I'm going to have to ask you to let this one go. I don't know the full extent of those two girls' power, but I know they're powerful and dangerous if provoked."

Sirzechs noticed the brief frown mar his sister's face only to glare at her.

"I mean it Rias!" Sirzechs said looking at his sister, leaving no room for arguments. "Those two girls are probably stronger than me, and with them being highly dangerous, neither you nor your peerage would be able to deal with them. God forbid, hngh! you manage to earn the wrath of either their mothers or aunts. Promise me you won't do anything that would cause problems?"

Rias held her brother's gaze for a while longer before caving, letting out a short nod. That was fine...she'd leave those two girls alone.

For today.

Tomorrow she would make sure to immediately begin her search. Those blonde bitches took what should have been hers and no one gets away with that. A devil's pride is important that much was true, but their possessions were even more so!


Akemi could no longer feel her left arm.

Mostly because she didn't have a right arm anymore. It was cut off and is now buried in the sand somewhere, never to be found again. That wasn't even the worst of it.

For the past 15 minutes, she's been trying...and horribly failing to avoid every single one of Flandre's unavoidable attacks while trying to dodge the rain of bullets her way.

Both girls had not moved from their spots. Flandre was either telekinetically moving her sword around aiming to maim Akemi or firing our Danmaku lasers from the gaps she created. She found the red eyes in the gap to be quite scary as they always seemed to be staring into her soul.

Rose was by far the worst of the two sisters as she was either sniping her with bullets or raining down missiles and nukes to her position, sending a massive chain chomp monster to eat her, causing massive Earthquakes with a Warhammer she summoned which knocked Akemi off balance every time it hit the ground.

The depressing part was the fact that Naruko and Tamamo were sitting on a floating couch they made to watch the fight while eating popcorn.

"Come on Pervert-kun! Is this all you've got?! You're really going to die at this rate!" Flandre said as she telekinetically recalled her sword before firing out black and red colored sword beams.

"YOU'RE ALL FUCKING INSANE!" Was Akemi's horrified response.

Everything hurt. If even one of that beams hit her, the respective body part would just vanish, disintegrate entirely, with no blood or anything. If one of Rose's missiles missed the explosion would flash-fry her and if she is not close to the explosion the shockwaves from the explosion itself would send her tumbling along the sand like a rag doll. Unfortunately for Akemi, there was no time to catch her breath, as the very second she managed to stand up, another energy wave or sword attack/beam was sent speeding toward her exact location while tanks began to drive in her direction and fired out from their turrets.

"Why isn't this working?" Naruko asked Tamamo on the sideline as they both watched their daughters lay the smackdown on Akemi. Why wasn't Akemi getting stronger? She watched Flandre send another suppressed sword beam with Akemi throwing herself out of harm's way, only for the force of the explosion to toss her withered form over 20 feet from her original landing point. "I'm sure Akemi lost control when the crow killed her. What am I missing here?"

"Darling~?" Tamamo spoke beside Naruko getting a nod from the blonde. "I believe you're giving her the wrong motivation."

"Really?" Naruko asked confused which got a laugh from Tamamo. "Death isn't a good motivator..."

"Mhm, try a more subtle approach beloved," Tamamo said as she threw some popcorn in her mouth.

"I see, I'm not giving her the right motivation!" Naruko exclaimed as she called off the fight below. "Girls tag out, Tamamo and I need to get up close and personal."

"But mom~!" Flandre whined out as she walked off the sandy field. "I was having fun watching her squirm!"

"Now now," Tamamo said with a smile that scared Flandre and got her to keep quiet. "I'm sure your mother knows what she's doing. Right honey?"

"Indeed. Akemi-kun you didn't gain that surge of strength from dying..." Naruko said with a smile while absentmindedly flipping her long blonde locks away from her face. "No, that would be stupidly cliche wouldn't it!"

"You *cough* bitch!" Akemi groaned and spewed out a thick glob of blood from her parted lips while glaring at the two demons in front of her. "Why—Why did you bring me back for this?!"

"You need motivation, so we'll give you some motivation," Naruko said with a smile as she and Tamamo slowly held hands together. They both began to glow for a moment and Akemi had to cover her face when a visible burst of energy sprouted around their silhouette.

"Prepare yourself, Ameki-kun!" Both women said together.

"What the fuck!?" Akemi questioned as she slowly opened her eyes and found herself no longer in the desert but floating in a dark void with lots of red eyes looking at her.

"Well, what do you think?" Was a very loud voice that sounded like a mixture of Naruko and Tamamo's voices calling from the void.

"I can't see anything but these damned red eyes!" Akemi called out to the void. "What's with all the eyes anyways? They look...evil."

"In The End, We Are All Satisfied" numerous bland voices called out in unison as the void began to glow causing Akemi to close both her eyes. "And You're set Free~"

"What?" Akemi asked confused with her eyes still closed.

"Ooooo~, Akemi-sama, won't you please look at us?" numerous female voices called out as the light began to die down.

That wasn't the low tenor Akemi had grown used to. Not even close, in fact, that sounded more like the sultry voice of a woman who was having sex. Not just one either, but many. Cracking a single shut-eye open, Akemi hesitantly watched as an uncountable number of copies of both Naruko and Tamamo took upon the endless expanse of the void. Each copy had an erotic smile as they were in different erotic positions all staring at her with heart-shaped pupils. But most importantly they were all nude.

"What...?" Akemi stuttered out looking at the infinite amount of naked women in front of her who were all in different erotic positions. Her heart was beating fast from the sight.

"Akemi-sama, won't you please play with me?"

"No! No! Me, Akemi! Please play with me!"


"Aww, she's all tuckered out," Naruko said with a small smile as she pulled Tamamo into a hug. Below them was a barely conscious Akemi with blood spilling from her nose. All of a sudden a pillar of green energy erupted from where Akemi lay defeated as Naruko had a grin on her face. "Looks like it worked, she's just as bad as Pervert Sage."

"Ara, to think my Naruko-chan would do something so devious," Tamamo said getting a cute blush from Naruko as she held her closer in the hug. "All's well that ends well."

When the pillar of energy began to shrink in size until the only thing that remained was a panting Akemi with a brand new toy for a left arm, Naruko gave a genuine smile, her gaze locked onto the still glowing green gem at the very center of the draconian like gauntlets dorsal side.

"It wasn't death that triggered it," Naruko said with a smile getting a chuckle from Tamamo as she transported all of them back to the desert while leaving the copies of herself and Tamamo to have their lesbian orgy. "To think it would only take you seeing real boobs."

Akemi could only blink owlishly at Naruko's words before exhaustion overcame her and she fell face first over sand once again.

"Kakakakaka. What a weird world, get powerful from seeing a pair of tits," Naruko said as she laughed before walking toward her daughters. "Hope we didn't take too long."

"No, but I would like to have the next fight," Flandre said looking at Naruko who simply gave her a smile and a nod.

"Rose would you like anything?" Tamamo asked looking at her daughter.

"Nothing I can think of right now," Rose said with a shrug as she materialized a blood-flavored lollipop and popped it in her mouth.


When Akemi next awoke, she quickly realized three things.

One, her right arm was back. Two, she was no longer in a desert. Three, she didn't like the sharkish grin spread over Naruko's features.

"Welcome back Akemi-san, quite the show you put on for us!" Naruko stated happily while leaning over the counter of the shop. Tamamo was sitting on the couch while drinking a milkshake. "I'd say you did a damn good job everything considered, even if Flandre and Rose had to slow their attacks down a bit and hold back for you to be able to improvise, adapt and, overcome."

"The last attack..." Akemi said as she remembered what happened before she lost consciousness. She looked straight into Naruko's eyes with pure determination. Her fists clenched at her sides until the knuckles were white "TEACH IT TO ME!"

"Oh man, did you hear that mom? I blow off her arm and flash fry her a few times, and all she cares about is that perverted technique of yours." Flandre spoke up as she walked through the backdoor and toward the couch before taking a sit beside Tamamo.

"Fufufu, Akemi-kun is quite the gal~," Naruko said shaking her head in amusement while looking at the serious look on Akemi's face.

"Hell yeah! Don't you understand what you did?! You could fulfill my desire right here right now if you teach me that move!" Akemi said with a straight face. "With that power, I could rule the world!"

"I wish it were that easy Akemi-san, but that ability comes with its own set of drawbacks. In all honesty, you don't have any of our abilities for shape-shifting and it really isn't worth much" Naruko said as she crossed her arms under her bust and proceeded to float above the ground in a sitting position. "But what you have is just as cool. Check it out Akemi-san, You're very own Sacred Gear."

"Sacred...Gear?" Akemi asked looking at the strangely weightless gauntlet encompassing the lower part of her left arm.

"Mhm, Alucard told me a few things about it yesterday when she interrogated the group, It's some sort of gift from the god of this world granted to humanity so they wouldn't be completely powerless, or something along those lines," Naruko said with a shrug. "Alucard said she didn't get much and one of the people there was weirding her out, which is a feat on its own."

"Angels and demons are real?" Akemi asked as she looked at the Sacred Gear encompassing her arm. "God is real? Does that mean that...that hell is real?!"

"Yep, Hell is real. it's called the Underworld now though, that much I do know!" Naruko said with a smile before pointing toward Akemi's Sacred Gear. "This is a Longinus, supposedly a god-killer class among all the Sacred Gears. That creepy bird-brained lady told Alucard there were only thirteen like yours in the entire world and that each was unique! Cool, right?"

"And this one is mine?" Akemi asked looking at the dragon gauntlet.

"Yes~ Just one more step to becoming a Harem King...or is it Queen?" Naruko asked herself. "Eh, never mind that. Plus with that kind of power, you will be able to protect your harem from all types of things. No doubt about it!"

"Hmmm? I guess you're right," Akemi said as she studied the Sacred Gear on her hand before looking at Naruko once again. "One question though, Naruko-san. How do I get rid of it?"

"The process will kill you, and I don't feel like reviving you. So I'm not removing it," Naruko simply said getting an annoyed look from Akemi which got her to laugh. "You know where to find me! Whenever you have free time, come on over and we can start training on how to use that thing. Until then have a good day, Akemi-kun. I'll have the next volumes ready for you the next time you drop by."

"Sorry about my daughters blowing up your arm," Naruko chimed in as she transported Akemi out of the shop. "What a kid, she'll be going places as expected of a decent harem protagonist."

-With Akemi-

Akemi found herself once again facing a 'sorry we're closed sign' with something akin to astonishment.

'How does she do that?!'

Wait a minute, those demons almost killed her today!

"You cunts! You better believe I'll be back! And when I learn how to use this thing, I'm going to beat the crap out of all of you for what you put me through today!" Akemi shouted at the invisible store.

Random passersby would find a rather peculiar sight to behold as they made their way down the district. A disheveled-looking teen with what appeared to be a well-crafted cosplay arm of some type screaming rather obscene curses at an empty parking space.