Flandre happily ignored both the howls and screams of pain and agony coming from Akemi while happily slurping the last of her instant noodles before dropping it on the table and picking up the glass of blood from the table and drinking from it. Sitting beside her was Alucard who was reading some comics she ordered today.

The past two weeks had sure flown by, both her mothers and younger sister were still in Kyoto, and they left her in charge of the shop which haven't had any new customers. She was enjoying the peace and quiet with the occasional visits from Ophis. Akemi came almost every day after her school hours for some training from their group...well more like torture, and it kept her quite occupied with something.

"So what did they say after that?" Flandre asked Ophis as she dropped the now empty glass of blood on the table and picked up her controller to resume her game. "I bet they were pretty mad, huh? Red must be really that strong to need that many people to help."

"Red is...one of the strongest being in existence, next to myself. His power could bring about the end of the world...so yes, I did require a bit of assistance." Ophis said as she corrected herself halfway from calling Great Red and herself the strongest. She looked at the trio of Scathach, Kaede, and Shinobu sharing a single glass of smoothie. "It's strange? I'm very sure there is another Scathach in this world."

"Don't know much about all those," Flandre said with a shrug as she concentrated on her game. "You will have to ask the others, they are the knowledgable ones. Plus they haven't come knocking or looking for trouble."

"You and your family are quite interesting and would give my fine children if you agreed to my deal," Ophis said staring at Flandre.

"I'm like not interested in lolis, so no thanks," Flandre said as she turned to Ophis. "Plus I'm sure all of the adults are in a relationship of some sort."

"I don't mind sharing with any of you," Ophis said before pointing at Alucardwho was still reading her comic. "She is maidenless."

"How rude," Alucard spoke up with a slight frown and her eyes still on her book. "No need to say it that way..."

"You are usually by yourself, and don't have a lover," Ophis said with her usual emotionless tone. "I can always take the spot."

"I'll pass on that, plus I have a good friend of mine who I have somewhat of a relationship with," Alucard said with a yawn as she flipped a page. "She just isn't in this universe."

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" Akemi's voice screamed out but was promptly ignored by everyone.


"They seem to be having fun," Flandre said with a chuckle. Ophis didn't know how things got out of hand but she definitely knew it was this group's fault.

"She's going to die..." Ophis said as she watched as the perverted child tried, keyword tried, to dodge the massive claw that was quickly closing in on her location only for her tiny body to be unceremoniously knocked across the expanse of the valley until it embedded itself into the dry and crater filled floor below.

"Most definitely, plus I'm in charge of her training," Flandre said with a sheepish chuckle before grinning and briefly disconnecting from her online game. "So, if Akemi doesn't make Great Red blink by the end of the week...I'm going to rip her soul out of her body and use it for my next meal. I did tell her the souls of the lustful do taste like chicken." Flandre said licking her lips with her tongue. "Plus I won't be putting it back. Teach her a lesson is what it will do..."

"Why go far for the pervert?" Ophis asked looking at mother and daughter. She didn't get the point of sending the human to fight something as dangerous as Great Red. "Fighting Great Red is suicide for anyone that isn't you people or myself," Ophis said as she looked at Akemi's body which was probably crushed by that blow alone. "Why put her through all of this?"

Every day for the past two weeks Akemi Hyoudou would show up at the shop, and Flandre would find new ways to utterly break Akemi's body and spirit until she was sure the pervert died. Then Flandre would resurrect the body, and in spite of all the complaining that followed, Akemi would still show up the next day to do it all over again.

"You've got to give it to her, she most definitely has my respect," Flandre said with a genuine smile as she disconnected from her game and focused on Akemi. "Mom saw some potential in her, and she gave me the task to bring it out however I felt was the best approach. She's definitely getting stronger."

"STAND, PATHETIC HUMAN! I'VE NEVER HAD A TOY TO PLAY WITH AND IT WOULD BE A SHAME IF YOU DIED NOW!" Great Red said staring down at the broken Akemi who was lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood.

Akemi couldn't feel anything. The booming cries of the gargantuan red dragon were almost lost to her as darkness crept along the corners of her vision. In the past week alone she had died every single day. On Monday she was burned to death by demons Flandre created. On Tuesday she was drowned by Flandre on a large planet which was filled with some toxic black liquid. Wednesday she was skewered by spears courtesy of Scathach. Thursday—and quite literally the worst day—Flandre grew to a size larger than a planet and proceeded to beat her to death with her fists if she couldn't dodge, or grab a hold of her and crush her, or get mauled to death in frankly disturbing ways by monstrosities that Flandre created.

Akemi was sure the blonde demon was enjoying her suffering. It was a sure fact that Akemi had died and been resurrected more times than Jesus.

Today though. Today was taking the proverbial cake. 'A-At least that blond demon holds back...this guy, he crushed me with one blow!' Her arms and legs were bent at unnatural angles and she was pretty sure that her ribs were broken and that one of them punctured a lung, otherwise she wouldn't be choking on her own blood or lying in it. 'This...is the worst pain.'

With that last thought, Akemi Hyoudou retired into the afterlife.

"Why you had that pathetic creature attempt to challenge my might is beyond even me." Great Red said with a sigh after he noticed the last of the human's life fade away as he spewed some flames out of his nostrils. "I even held back and she's still nothing but a broken mess. How pathetic. Is this really a Scared Gear user? Tch, I'll never understand what He saw in these squishy bastards."

"She's doing ok, and why make her fight weaker beings when she can attempt to fight those stronger than her," Flandre said with a laugh as she looked toward Great Red. "I'm sure if she tried to fight anyone else in this world, she would solo theme easily."

"I don't think it works that way, but I guess there is always an exception to that rule." Great Red said with a shrug looking at Flandre.

"I have to agree with Baka Red," Ophis said as she watched Flandre appear beside Akemi and once again began resurrecting her. "Putting the child up against beings of our level won't make her any stronger. If anything, you're just giving the girl nightmares."

"Really? But Aunt Scathach said mom got stronger from the beatings she gave her," Flandre said with a finger on her chin while looking at the floating corpse next to her. "Red, you sure did a number on her. I knew a person could bend like that but I had never seen it in action till today."

"Well I'm leaving, don't disturb me again," Great Red said as he walked through the massive gap that Shinobu left open before taking flight. "I've had enough of you all for the day."


Micheal resisted the urge to rub his temples. The Seraph and current leader of heaven questioned softly. He knew they had been stretched thin, and he understood more than any of his brothers and sisters just how tough it was to run heaven and care for the mortals all at the same time...but this was a matter of the utmost importance.

"I don't mean to be rude, dear sister, but could you please tell me why this particular piece of information was so delayed in reaching me?" Michael asked looking at his sister. "Please, tell me why something like the Great Red vanishing from the dimensional gap took so long to reach my ears?"

"Ah...well, you see dear brother. The news had long ago reached my ears...but I...err, forgot to tell you." Gabriel nervously said as she scratched the back of her head sheepishly. "Please forgive me!" Gabriel bowed before her brother and prayed for forgiveness.

"Gabriel, you and I share this responsibility equally. Whoever told you this rather disturbing information told you with the hopes that you would do something with it. You and I are the rulers of heaven now. Which means you don't have to ask me for permission..." Michael said softly. "Now please tell me someone is at least making sure that what the Great Red was holding back is still being held back?"

"Ah, well, apparently the infinite dragon has taken the dimensional gap back from the Great Red. Its power is more than enough to keep those empty shells at bay, so we don't have to worry much about that." Gabriel explained.

Micheal nodded while inwardly going over his sister's words. The Great Red was stronger than the infinite dragon. It wasn't defeated. So then...how? How was the True Dragon removed from the Dimensional gap?

"Although there was something else," Gabriel said as she tried her hardest to recall what it was. "Oh! That's right! Remember that strange power we felt many years ago? Well, it turns out that same power was picked up entering the city where those two devil heiresses are and were once again felt from outside the dimensional gap by the Watchers!" Gabriel finished cheerfully.

"Do we have a specific location? If this being was strong enough to subdue the Great Red then we have no choice but to seek an audience." Michael asked as he felt a headache coming with this problem.

"Yup!" Gabriel happily exclaimed. "We found the place, but we also didn't find the place."

"Whaaaat," Michael asked confused by Gabriel's statement.

"Ah, well, you see dear brother. We have a general idea of where this being is, but whenever we get close we always end up in the same spot. An empty lot." Gabriel answered while fidgeting with her fingers.

"An empty lot?" Michael asked as he stroked his chin.

"We can't seem to find exactly where. Although we do know it's there. Some of the Watchers took it upon themselves to search for whoever is responsible and have noted that a human girl visits the same empty lot every day. We have no idea what happens to her though. According to them she just vanishes without a trace, then shows up hours later in a very disgruntled state." Gabriel said before her lips parted into an 'o' as she recalled another bit of information. "Also, the sister of the current Lucifer has been sighted near the lot as well, apparently stalking the human girl...?"

Micheal groaned as he took a moment to process things. The Great Red disappearing was bad enough, but add the younger sister of a Maou to the mix and things just got needlessly complicated.

"Looks like I'm going to have to head on to Earth," Michael said with a groan.

"Oh, Can I come along brother?" Gabriel asked with a smile.

"Yes Gabriel, you can come along as well," Michael said with a sigh fighting the urge to rub his temples.

-D4C Store-

"You can take tomorrow off! You need some rest anyways." Flandre said with a bright grin showing off her fangs and waving Akemi goodbye. "Do take care, and don't go dying."

Akemi weakly raised the middle finger in Flandre's direction and then promptly shut the magical door behind her.

Flandre sat on the couch as she went back to gaming while Alucard sat beside her eating some Chinese food. Looking at them was Ophis who had changed out of her old attire to look a bit more modest. She now wore a long sleeveless gothic-styled dress instead of having pasties cover her nipples, and strangely enough, no shoes.

"You want to join in?" Flandre asked looking at the loli dragon who was staring at the controller being handed to her menacingly.

Zombies!?" Ophis asked getting a nod from Flandre. "Very well I'll play."

Before Ophis could pick up the controller the front door was violently kicked open as she noticed a familiar and very angry-looking man.

"Ophis! I finally found you!" The stranger cried, eyes wide and filled with fury. "How dare you!" He pointed a finger at the indifferent preteen. "How dare you take my chance away from me!" In a flash of white light, what was once a human teenager was replaced with a suit of mail. White wings that shimmered with a holy power spread wide across its back and bright glowing eyes.

"Divine Dividing: Balance Breaker!" He roared. "If I can't fight Great Red, then I'll just fight you instead, infinite dragon!"

"Vali," Ophis said, her violet orbs blankly staring into his own obscured eyes as a miasma began to encompass her tiny silhouette. "I have no interest in a battle with you. Leave now, I have Zombies to play or I'll kill you"

Vali frowned from within his scale mail at her words. "Forget about that, you can fight me instead of Zombies and I don't mind dying to the strongest!" Without another word, he charged, only to get hit by an unknown force and get sent flying into the wall while knocking down some shelves.

"Please don't be so rowdy," Alucard called as she walked over to the white-haired teen who was now removing himself from the hole she put him into. "We have a door, please use it."

"You know the angry lost child Ophis?" Flandre asked she looked toward the white-haired teen. Vali looked up at the black-haired woman with horns as she stared down at him with a bored look on her face.

"Allow me to introduce myself! I'm Alucard Oshino and normally I wouldn't attack our customer-to-be but I can't have you out right assaulting our cute little mascot you know!" Alucard said with a shrug as she pointed at Ophis.

"I'm not your mascot," Ophis said before being interrupted by Alucard who shooshed her.

"Zip it loli-chan," Alucard said with a smile looking at the now glaring Ophis. "Or I'll have you say it in front of the overgrown Lizard too."

'Loli-chan? Mascot?' Vali thought looking at the conversation in front of him and making brief glances at the three women at the other side of the room sharing some noodles.

Ophis wisely kept her mouth shut. One demon with blackmail was bad enough, two was...well, she almost shuddered. Of course, she would remember this humiliation and plan her revenge, and it will be legendary.

"Now then Vali-kun~. Why not properly introduce yourself and what you're so desperate for that it would warrant starting a brawl in our shop?" Alucard asked with a grin turning her attention toward the white-haired teen. "No, wait! Don't tell me! You wanna fight, right!? I can see it in your eyes! You want to beat the strongest and be the strongest!" Alucard said with a smile looking down at Vali. "I've met plenty of people like you. Nothing wrong with that. Although, what would you say if I told you that I was stronger than Ophis over there? That even Great Red pales in comparison to me. And I took the opportunity of fighting the strongest away from you?"

"I did the fighting though..." Flandre said before sighing and returning to her game.

"I'd say you're the person I'm looking for then! Divine Dividing!" Vali said as he approached Alucard.

"I see," Alucard said as she felt a slight drain in herself. "That's a pretty neat trick."

"Amazing! That's some potent energy you have there. I can't wait to take it all from you!" Vali said as he smirked while reveling in his newly acquired strength. "Come on then! If what you're saying is true then prove it! If not I'm going to beat you down anyways! A warm-up is always good before a huge event after all!"

"Interesting individual you have here Ophis. What's his story." Alucard asked as she blocked a hit with her finger. "He's like a little chihuahua. Trying really hard it's almost cute."

"...That's weird?" Flandre said to herself as she dropped her gaming controller and stared in a random direction getting a confused look from Ophis. "It seems that Akemi-san is about to lose her life once again. Aunt Scathach could you please stop her from dying?"

"Why should I brat?" Scathach asked from the table while having dinner with Kaede and Shinobu.

"The person trying to kill her is quite interesting and I believe you would like the encounter, plus another woman is there watching the fight," Flandre said as she glanced at her aunt's fight...if she could call it that. Alucard was only using a single finger to deal with Vali which only served to anger him.

"What the hell?! I said NOT to ignore me! I'm going to defeat all of you!" Vali exclaimed as he raised his left arm and immediately a bright orb of light formed over his spread palm. "Divine Dividing!"

"Very well," Scathach said with a sigh before disappearing from the room and going to deal with Akemi and her soon-be-killers.

"Hm, so do you think he'd be interested in forming a contract then?" Alucard asked using only her feet to block Vali's attacks. "At least make me use my hands. This is embarrassing."

"Divine Dividing!" Vali exclaimed as he ignored Alucard and continued to drain her infinite supply of power.

Ophis went back to concentrating on playing some COD Zombies with Flandre joining in with her as they went onto Multiplayer.

-With Akemi-

"Fuck!" Akemi exclaimed as she was forced to dodge a familiar-looking red spear from 'Scathach'. She didn't know what she was doing here and why she was hanging out with the goth chick with the crow. But she knew one thing for sure, she was going to die once again. "I already told you, I can't give you information on why I have been revived multiple times!"

"Girl, if you wish to survive this, you better call the person that has been reviving you!" 'Scathach' said as she continued chasing after Akemi around the park. "At least they can extend your dateline a bit longer."

Before anything could happen a figure crashed right in between both 'Scathach' and Akemi with a shockwave blowing both of them away. Akemi was luckily caught by her shirt before she could be sent flying.

"You made me skip my date!" Scathach glared at Akemi who laughed sheepishly before turning to look at the problem. "I should kill you on principle...Hmm, to think I'll be forced to fight myself."

"I knew it! She's you from this world if all the nonsense you monsters have been saying is true." Akemi said before getting dropped to the ground roughly.

Scathach looked at the woman in front of her that looked identical to her but instead of her purple armor, this version of her is wearing a white dress with leather belts tied up around her, also having silver shoulder guards on her. She wore a pair of knee-length strapped sandals.

"Obviously," Scathach still glaring at the grounded Akemi. "Who else wields the blood-red spear other than Setanta or Naruko?"

"You recognize her weapons, but not her face?" Akemi asked with a groan as she slowly got up to her feet.

"There's a lot of Celtic with purple hair and red eyes," Scathach says before she turns back toward the two, now holding her red spear and pointing it toward the lady in black, "I would like to know your secrets of befriending Morrigan over there."

From Scathach's appearance, both women had been silenced as they looked at the newcomer with a confused look.

"This is quite an interesting development. Your benefactor seems to have made a clone of the Godslayer herself, complete with a similar aura to hers." Morrigan said looking at Akemi with a small glare. "Tell me, may I know this secret of life itself? Surely this can piss off Dagda even further."

"An art of magic that does not only freely resurrect numerous times but replicate even an immortal being." This World's Scathach said not impressed by the information given. "So she's just a clone."

"Scathach, you should know any better not to call yourself such a thing," Scathach said with a chuckle looking at her counterpart before looking at Akemi standing beside her. "I am only here because my Niece didn't want to have to revive you, but you shall receive punishment once next we have training."

'Punishment? Oh god no...Haven't I suffered enough?' Akemi thought to herself as she watched the fight that was about to commence.


Vali was confused about what was happening as Alucard let him go. The power he felt through him was amazing and yet she was still standing after so many drains. How much power did she have?

"What are you doing?" Vali asked confused.

"I'm going to fight you since you wanted to fight whoever defeated Great Red. Sadly my niece is busy, so you will have to deal with me. I'm sure you found this store because you were far too desperate for a fight. Desperate to prove your strength, desperate to fight those who you believe are strong without considering the consequences. So lucky for you, I'm going to waste my time and give you a fight. Just sign this contract." Alucard said as she formed a contract.

I don't care about all that nonsense." Vali scoffed as he attempted to drain Alucard's energy which she allowed. "If I agree to this contract though...you'll fight me? No holding back? You know I might kill you, right? My power is unbeatable! Even if you are stronger than me I'll just keep taking from you until there's nothing left."

"Sure, your funeral kid. Now come on! Seal the deal, baby dragon!" Alucard said with a smile handing him the contract as Vali signed it. "Very well, bring it on punk bitch."

With that done Vali tried to use 'Divine Dividing' but Alucard moved out from his line of view and appeared behind him and landed a kick to his back sending Vali stumbling forward. He turned back with his fist raised as he tried to land a punch on Alucard, to which she caught as she broke the offending arm and sent Vali back.

Vali struggled to back to his feet as Alucard approached him as she placed her foot on his chest and with a bit of pressure broke his scale armor before kicking him backward.

"You're a little punk, a scrawny little punk who needs to learn some manners," Alucard said as she reached out and lifted Vali by his collar and brought him to her eye level "You've been deluding yourself, kid...use your head...you couldn't win if you tried a thousand times with your divine Dividing. In the end, Great Red wasn't strong enough to beat my niece and I'm stronger than her...and if they couldn't do it you haven't a chance in hell. You could face me every day for a thousand years Vali, and I'd tear you apart each time."

After that was said Alucard dropped Vali to the floor and he soon drifted into the realm of Morbius.

"Tsk, stupid kid," Alucard said as she walked toward Flandre and Ophis with a smile. "Got space for one more?"


"I told you before, I'm not a fake!" Scathach said as she pulled out another spear and began twirling around, leaving both DXD Scathach and Morrigan confused which she noticed before smiling at both of them. "I am known as the creator of Gae Bolg after all."

Scathach soon took a stance and quickly throws the spear after a shout. "GAE BOG ALTERNATIVE!"

The spear now slowly turns into a long red beam, moving as fast as the eyes can see as it struck right into the other witch's heart, pushing her onto the ground, falling to her defeat.

"S-Scathach!!!" Morrigan exclaims turning toward DXD Scathach and back to her enemies, holding her spear tightly "Why did you have the ability of the Godslayer? How are you able to create more Gae Bolg in just a blink? WHO ARE YOU!?"

"...What a waste of time!" Scathach said before glaring at Akemi, before walking away. "Don't get yourself killed, or I'll revive you myself and torture you."

As she disappears from their sight, Akemi turns back toward the two ladies.

The other Scathach now pulls herself up, pulling out the Gae Bolg that soon disappears in a flash

"This is indeed as good as the real Gae Bolg." DXD Scathach said as she pulls herself up, pulling out the Gae Bolg in her chest as it disappears in a flash. "But this feels more like the prototype version I made before."

"You!" Both Morrigan and DXD Scathach exclaimed at Akemi who backed away in fright, were they going to finish the job? "You owe us an explanation."