DXD 11

Kuroka blinked owlishly, partly in curiosity and the other in mild amusement, as she watched Naruko hang upside down from the tall tree they were currently, and very discreetly, occupying. A sniper in hand as she made use of the scope pressed against a singular eye as she was curiously humming aloud to herself.

"Do you really need those?" Kuroka asked the blonde who was still humming a tune.

"Nope!" Naruko said as she removed the scope from her eyes before dropping the sniper to her side and facing Kuroka. "It's a stakeout and I need to look professional for the job."

"That explains the outfit...but the gun..." Kuroka mumbled out as they both looked forward at their current target's location, Kuoh Academy.

"Well...looks like I've spotted the person you described earlier," Naruko said as she looked toward Kuroka while pointing at a classroom in the distance. "Looks like she is currently fading away in a boring classroom. The poor thing, I don't think she's going to make it..."

"I expected nothing less. I doubt she would look anything like me with the way things are anyways." Kuroka said with a sad smile looking in the direction Naruko is pointing at.

"You know...this is probably the weirdest thing anyone's ever asked of us," Naruko said pulling herself up from her hanging position and taking a sit on the branch before pulling out a bloodpop from a portal. "That's saying something considering we have been asked to give someone a harem of all things. I mean...I don't think I should charge someone for something this small. Are you sure all you want is a single glance?"

"..." Kuroka only gave a small nod in response

"Just a single glance of this person," Naruko asked again with a serious expression lining her face as she got a simple nod from Kuroka. "You know after all is said and done, I could effectively ask anything I want in return? I could tell you to kill yourself for all you know and you'll have to do it. Like it or not."

"That's exactly right. I'll do whatever it takes," Kuroka replied with a small smile before looking at Naruko erotically. "Even if you were to say...ask me to bare your children!"

"Not this again, I'm married," Naruko said as she looked at Kuroka who didn't care about that piece of information. "Plus I already have kids, and if you reproduce like an actual cat, then I don't want to deal with that many kids...I already have a handful with both Flandre and Rose."

"How sad," Kuroka said with a small frown.

"But I'll give you credit, you're the first person to ask for something that didn't have a selfish motive involved," Naruko said with a smile as she slowly got up and stood on the branch of the tree. "You just want to see your beloved little sister, right? What was her name? Shitone? No, wait...Shiromae?"

"Shirone," Kuroka said with a slight glare as she corrected Naruko's mistakes. "Please don't butcher my little sister's name."

"Sorry, I'm bad with names. I usually give them nicknames or have Flandre or Rose help with remembering them. But I definitely understand how you feel," Naruko said with a sheepish smile as she pulled out a picture of a younger Rose and Flandre. "I might not have a little sister, since I'm the youngest. However, I do have two girls to take care of. I'm just wondering why you haven't tried this by yourself, I'm sure you have had plenty of chances to go for it considering you're a stray"

"So you know about my status as a stray?" Kuroka asked cautiously looking at Naruko who shrugged it off.

"Yeah," Naruko said still standing on the branch while leaning against the tree trunk. "You can relax by the way. I have no interest in handing you in, plus the reason for your status is pretty batshit insane. Don't see what's wrong with trying to protect your little sis."

Kuroka inwardly cursed herself. For a moment, she had forgotten entirely that the same lady who was recently cracking lame joke's just a second ago was still a downright goddess. Though that did nothing to ease her nerves, seeing as even Micheal and Sirzech would be powerless against the horned blonde leaning against the tree.

"It's...It's complicated," Kuroka said with a hint of nervousness

"And I'm cool with that," Naruko said nonchalantly. "Never been a fan of complicated situations, always preferred punching first and asking questions after. Reminds me of a lady I met a week ago who made me get all philosophical"

"That sounds...interesting," Kuroka said, they still need to pass some time. "I don't mind hearing it."

"Really?" Naruko asked looking at the Nekoshou who simply nodded. Naruko slowly took a sit while conjuring some popcorn. "Well, we do have time."


Naruko sat at the top of a temple while slurping from the cup of instant noodles she had. She looked down at the city of Tokyo through her sunglasses shielding her eyes from the sun.

It indeed was a beautiful sight to behold, especially during the winter t night when the sakura cherry blossoms were blooming and the moonlight shining down upon the city. She sometimes enjoyed the easier things in life like nature and just relaxing.

She soon tilted her head slightly to the side as a bolt of magic flew past her and hit below as she continued to eat from her noodles.

"So how can I help you?" Naruko asked as a person approached her who seemed to be radiating anger. "Oh my, what got your panties in a knot?"

The figure was a tall bespectacled woman with a voluptuous figure. She had tan skin with long brown hair tied into a bun with a headset and she had purple eyes. She wore an extremely low-cut dress and it had a high slit that exposed a large portion of her breasts.

"You! You're the reason Ophis disbanded the Khaos Brigade. You ruined our plan, and caused it to go haywire." The woman exclaimed angrily. "For that, you must die."

"You got the wrong person lady," Naruko said as she continued to eat her meal as she slowly stood up. "And that sounds like a you problem chief. But do introduce yourself, I'll need to know the name of whose ass I'm about to rip a new one."

"Mongrel, how dare you address me in a lowly manner? Lesser beings like you must kneel before me, the devil, an aristocrat of the highest class." The woman exclaimed only to hear slurping noises from Naruko as she finished her cup of noodles.

"Sorry stopped listening after a while," Naruko said before burning the empty cup in her hand. "The name is Naruko. So who are you to talk all high and mighty?"

"Filthy dog," The woman said gritting her teeth before continuing. "I am Katerea Leviathan! Descendant of the original Leviathan, one of the leaders of the True Devils that seek to liberate the devils from the hands of the False Devils who have stained the glory that our ancestors had built with their blood and life! Unlike you lesser being, who only serve to scutter and scrape before us as we judge you for your crime of being in our presence"

"Glad you got that out of your system," Naruko said with a smile. "So what do you need Chuuni?"

"You dare!" Katerea said as she trembled with anger. "To think that I, an esteemed devil with the rightful claim to the throne of Leviathan, be written off as a pathetic child with an over-immersive imagination.

"You're acting like a Chuunibyou, but who am I to stop your grandiose delusions," Naruko said with a shrug angering Katerea some more.

"...How dare you. How dare you! This insult will not go unpunished, dog!" Katerea exclaimed.

"Insult? Hey, don't go insulting people who are chunni's when you are one yourself." Naruko replied with a smile. "Plus I know some pretty powerful people who act like chuunis. So it isn't that bad."

"Tsk, you dare insult me. I can't feel anything coming off you. How a human managed to help Ophis is beyond me, but I'll end you here." Katerea said as she was about to go in for an attack.

However before she could attack, her instincts stopped her from moving. Why were they telling her to run away from this...human?

Katerea took a step back as she analyzed the woman in front of her.

Naruko who had her arms in her pockets brought them as she materialized 'Ebony' and 'Ivory'. Her duo handguns she most definitely didn't steal from a version of Dante. "Well, I guess I can entertain you for a while," Naruko said.

"Foolishness!" Katerea exclaimed with a laugh. "A mere mortal against me, the descendant of an original Satan. Did you intend to approach me with an absurd plan of frontal assault?"

"If that's what you think, then so be it. But do remember," Naruko said with a dark chuckle. "Do I look like a woman with a plan?"


Naruko crashed into a shop before receiving a blast of demonic energy that exploded upon impact on her prone position. The smoke soon cleared to show her unscathed.

"So, are you still going to shoot out those energy blasts at me till you get tired because it's getting quite repetitive?" Naruko said from the ruins of the building.

Katerea was reaching her limit with the taunts. She was going to kill this woman, she had to. First, she ruined her plan and purpose, then she taunts and humiliates her. She will kill her if it's the last thing she does. She raised her staff which was rippling with energy as she walked toward the building to finish the battle.

Only to receive a blunt object right to her face. As well as being sent back by said blunt object. Katerea got up as she held her bleeding nose, wondering what hit her to hurt that much. Did the woman have any other weapon on her that she didn't sense? What could have sent her flying back that much?

Her answers were soon answered as Naruko walked out of the destroyed shop and in her hand is...

Katerea's face turned red in anger and embarrassment as she looked at the weapon in Naruko's hand. It was a simple loaf of bread. A loaf of bread was what sent her flying.

"Good thought trying something a bit new," Naruko said with a smile as she walked towards Katerea while taking a bite out of the toast, getting a growl from Katerea. "No seriously, I could have been killed by that attack," Naruko said looking at her before stroking the side of her head. "Hmm, maybe I am exaggerating a little bit, I could have at least gotten a bruise or a little cut," Naruko said thinking to herself. "Anyways, how was the bread? I was aiming for your mouth but it seems I was a bit off."

"By Lucifer, how can a French Toast be that hard?" Katerea cursed as she wiped the blood from her nose.

"I know right, thought the same thing. How can a French Toast be that hard?" Naruko said with a laugh.

"Tch, stop taking me as a joke. I am a descendant of Le-" Katerea started before having a toast stuffed into her mouth which she immediately spat out.

"You must be hungry from all the fighting. You can thank me later." Naruko said while juggling some toasts in her hands.

"You shall suffer by my hand. When you finally grovel on the ground, I will be sure to carve into your body an experience you've never thought possible!" Katerea exclaimed red in anger.

"Sounds Kinky, but I'll have to pass on that," Naruko said as she flicked her foot up as a fork that was embedded on the floor flew into her free hand. "Let's get this over with. I really don't want to be here when damage control pulls in."

"Bread and fork? Are you daft? You honestly expect to fight me with such nonsensical tools?" Katerea laughed, her face wound regenerating as she laughed mockingly. "Do you take me for a fool, dog?"

"A weapon is only as good as the arms that wield it," Naruko said. "And I shall demonstrate with a French Toast and Fork," Naruko said as she raised the loaf high and smashed it to the bridge the two of them had been standing on.

Katerea looked around waiting for something to happen.

"...I am not impressed, is this some game to you?" Katerea asked in anger.

"Be patient, wait for it," Naruko said as she lightly tapped her foot. The bridge promptly collapsed, sending the astonished woman into the river below. Naruko jumped off the bridge as it fell into the river below. "As I said."

Katerea seemed to have disappeared into the water. Seconds later, the area where she supposedly fell began to bubble. Soon enough, the surface bursts to reveal her lower half in a cyclone of water, rising up until she is high above Naruko.

"Fool," she sneered disdainfully. "Leviathan is famous for its absolute authority over the water of chaos, and thus my domain is its reflection. You only gave me more pow-"

"Good for you. You got stronger. Am I supposed to be impressed with that?" Naruko asked looking above her.

"You will be impressed, scum!" At her sentence, tendrils of water erupted from the ground Naruko stood on, surrounding her like serpents to ensure her imminent demise. Instead of growing worried like any normal person, she grew a wide smile at the 'challenge' presented to her.

"Maybe I will, Maybe I won't," Naruko said with a small grin.


"Good grief..." Sasuke said as he rubbed his temples looking down at the fight that was tearing up parts of the city. "At least she's showing some restraint."

"Hopefully she cleans up her mess this time..." Yasaka said with a sigh as she took a seat on the beach chair the group brought with them. "Tamamo-san, aren't you going to intervene and stop your wife?"

"No," Tamamo said while drinking from her cocktail. "She's too far and I don't feel like moving."

With Naruko-

The battle had lasted a few minutes, and in that time Naruko had wrecked a few shops using Katerea as a pinball. Naruko stared at the woman who was struggling to get up as she had bruises everywhere and was breathing heavily, her hair loosened by the lack of headset and glasses long discarded.

"Are you done? We can still call it a day." Naruko said with a yawn. "I'm getting bored and want to go home."

However, she didn't get a response. Katerea instead got to her feet slowly and pulled out a vial with what apparently appeared to be some slithering, charred snake inside, and promptly swallowed it.

"That's interesting?" Naruko said looking at Katerea who had gotten a boost in power and seemed to have black ethereal snakes wrapped around her. "Drugs are bad for you, you know?"

"I...will kill you now," Katerea said with her fighting spirit anew.

"Awww, she got those crazy cute eyes," Narukosaid as she brandished her bread which was promptly destroyed. "And sometimes a weapon is shitty even with the hands wielding them. But I still have the fork" Naruko said as she stabbed Katerea with the fork repeatedly.

Every blow Katerea made was parried with a fork from Naruko who happily smiled as the fight (if you could call it that) progressed. Katerea was slowly losing momentum as her opponent still lazily fought her not taking her seriously. Which only served to anger her further.

"Why, why do you have to stand in our way?!?! Is it wrong to want to have my birthright back from those thieving Devils?" Katerea cried out in anger regaining momentum and getting more aggressive.

Naruko noticed her change in tone and being a saint decided to play along. "Hope you realize I don't know what you're babbling about."

"You could never understand!" Katerea spoke as she continued her assault.

"Then help me understand," Naruko said as she put her hands over her head and did a little stretch.

Katerea froze from the request and looked straight at Naruko who was stretching.

"I fear in the hands of the false devils our kind will face extinction. That they will be wiped from this world without a say, expelled with extreme prejudice from all sides because of the incompetent few!" Katerea said as she gripped her staff tightly as it began to crack from the pressure. "But I won't allow it. No. We devils have prospered because of the works and pains of the original Lucifer, and it is the duty of the descendants to make sure it still retains the glory of the past!"

Naruko gave a bored nod as Katerea continued with her speech.

Katerea placed a hand on her heart and declared, "I can save them! With evil, the devils will be the strongest! We will survive. Our enemies will tremble and hide in fear, unable to comprehend or face monsters like us," she calmed down substantially to finish, "And from that, there will be peace for us devils. We can live without the fear of being hunted or killed. We will prove we are the superior race and root out all those who dare to threaten us, by whatever means necessary!"

Naruko looked at her with a frown, what she said reminded her of bad politics, and needless scheming. Sounded like Katerea here is a huge fan of the Machiavellian counter stabbing method (Maxor Reference).

"So you want to be the big boss of devil kind by overthrowing the current ones which you deem weak. That's a good strategy I guess," Naruko said as she was doing some thinking about Katerea's methods finding some faults and benefits. "So let's say on the off chance you win and beat the current leaders and get into power. What happens from there?"

"Push my race into an age of prosperity" Katerea answered simply.

"And after that?" Naruko asked.

"..." Katerea remained silent for a few seconds before the snakes from earlier wrapped around her again. "Absolute Evil."

After saying that she disappeared from sight with speed.

"There is no such thing as Absolute Evil," Naruko said as she brought her hand up and caught Katerea's fist that tried to attack her from behind before lightly tossing her. "Only a bunch of dots in the middle of a line that are in pathings of which way to go. To summarize it, you're a very bad final boss character."

Naruko gently tucked her open shirt into her pants before straightening her hair and taking a deep breath. She then summoned a blue and red dual-colored sheath that had gold engravings on it. In the sheathe was a katana which had a traditional purple wrapping, with golden, black, and red ornaments. The tsuba or handle was shaped like a curved cross that was coated in gold.

Naruko held the end of the sheathe and the handle of the katana in her hands and slowly pulled out the katana and dematerialized the sheath.

"It seems that at the end of all this, I'll have to beat the stupid out of you," Naruko said taking a stance. "You'll thank me later."

"Enough yammering!" Katerea attacked again appearing behind Naruko, who reacted easily enough to strike behind her, only to hit empty space. "Where are you looking, dog? I'm right here!" Naruko looked back and brought up her katana to block a fist coming her way as she pushed it back and sent Katerea backward.

Katerea fired out magical attacks that were far larger than the previous ones she made as they traveled toward Naruko. Naruko began running towards them while gathering a bit of darkness into her katana leaving a dark aura and trail as she ran forward. Easily cut through all the attacks as she warped herself and appeared in front of Katerea and with a quick slash sliced which cut through Katerea from her shoulder to her lower legs, as well as cleaving her staff in two.

"AAAAH!" Katerea yelped from pain as she hurriedly sent more blasts of magical energy at Naruko who had disappeared from her previous spot. She grits her teeth as her wounds re-knit themselves, with the help of the snakes she consumed earlier. "I suppose I should applaud you. Your attacks will do me no permanent harm. I am fucking invincible!"

"And I don't care," Naruko said from behind Katerea before landing a haymaker which grazed Katerea's cheek as she barely dodged. "You see, you're tripping a lot of loser flags by talking like that, and it's giving me a headache as well."

Suddenly Katerea got a knee to the back of her head which was followed up by another knee. "Cuz things like that happen," Naruko said before dropping to her feet with her katana in hand.

"Didn't I tell you," Katerea got up swiftly as her wound healed. "I'm impervious to your damage."

"But you still feel pain and that is good enough for me," Naruko replied as Katerea began to laugh and jumped towards Naruko, not bothering to reform a staff in favor of her hands that had transformed into claws.

They dripped with some liquid that Naruko didn't feel like having on her clothes, so she dodged each swipe effortlessly and returned them with her own punches and kicks. There were also the coils of water that attempted to catch and hold Naruko in their grip, which she easily dodged and avoided.

It was around a minute in that something didn't feel right. Katerea no longer acted accordingly or seamlessly. She looked more rabid by the passing seconds. Her eyes that once gleamed with tactics and intention now flare with animalistic tendencies. Her stance that was once upright and lets off an air of extreme certainty devolved into a posture that is more inclined towards aggression than protection.

Naruko looked on with a frown, it seemed that the Ophis's snakes that Katerea consumed were slowly breaking her mind and turning her into a rabid beast.

"You may have been the hunter, but now, you are the hunted," Katrea sneered with brutal delight, making Naruko stop and sigh in her tracks. "How does it feel to be hunted after hunting for so long, mortal? I am now the hunter, and you are prey." Katerea smiled viciously as she disappeared. "And the prey dies!"

"...So we're going by hunting philosophy now?" Naruko asked unimpressed, sheathing her katana. "Then you should know one of the prime philosophies that pervade the hunting ground." Katerea appeared a distance on top of her, bloodlust saturating in her killing blow.

Naruko caught Katerea's arm and slammed her into the ground cratering her and uplifting some concrete. "A hunter is most vulnerable when he/she is about to capture their prey," Naruko unsheathed her sword and with precision stabbed into Katerea's back and the snake in her system. "The bigger the prey, the bigger the slip-up."

"Go read Hunter × Hunter up to Volume 3 before teaching me how to hunt, noob." Naruko slid the sword out and proceeded to kick the downed woman away a good few meters.

"I...still can't reach your level...even after taking in so much of Ophis's power?!" Katerea said as she struggled to stand up, causing her stab wound to open further, "Guh! M-more...just a bit more and I can change it all!" She abruptly stopped, eyes widening. Her hands shot to her stab wound, "...No, I'm losing power...my power is leaking...no! NO!"

"Change what, the world? With that absolute evil crap, you were talking about earlier," Naruko asked as she walked up to the bleeding woman. "What does Absolute evil mean to you anyways?"

"It...means...it..." Katerea couldn't think straight. All that went into her mind was that this mortal... this woman... she has to- "It means you die!" And she lunged again, the wounded snake of Ophis reviving the body and taxing the mind and will in exchange for more... more... MORE...More what?

"Can't even form proper responses anymore," Naruko said with a disappointed sigh as she moved to the side as Katerea lunged towards her which led her to fall into debris. "So what will it be then, Kitty Kat?"

"No...not yet...not now..." Katerea's entire body trembled fragilely as she strained her body past its limits to just stand. "...Just a few...steps and I would...have shown them...all-"

No," Naruko stated simply, proceeding forward, "Not as you are now. Look at yourself. Do you even notice it?"

"...Stop it."

She continued walking towards the struggling devil, "You are weaker than you were before. You aren't even a challenge anymore...well you never really were one in the first place."

"No! ...I'm not. I can keep...going...!"

"Give it up, Katerea. It's over. Going any further is meaningless." Naruko said standing next to the broken devil.

"Hahaha...then finish it," Katerea offered her body for the last blow. "Finish what I started! What we've started!"

"Why would I do that?" Naruko asked grabbing Katerea's chin and lifting her head so she could look into her eyes."You're running on fumes. I might enjoy fighting, but there's no glory ending someone like this."

Naruko lightly palmed her shoulder, dropping Katerea to her knees. With a last stand, Katerea coated her fist with what little energy she had left and jabbed at Naruko only for the power to fizzle out as she noticed that Ophis's snake was also on its last straw as well.

"You should go get yourself checked out," Naruko said as she started to walk away. "Seems like my journey here is over...finally."

"Damn it...! Don't you...Don't you dare leave me, you coward!" Katerea screamed out "I am Katerea Leviathan! A true descendant! The true heir of Leviathan! To even think of finishing one like myself is a sin in of itself, and you would pass on that glory when presented to your pitiful self upon a silver platter?!" Katerea said as she soon began screeching and making aggravating hisses.

Naruko did what she does to things that really got on her nerves


She shot at it.

Katerea fell limp to the ground, a hole in her right chest. In the very same area where she had been stabbed, at the snake that was within as well. But she was still conscious, so she felt the experience of getting her chest punctured by a 13mm round. In her current state, she could do nothing about it. Not even twitch from the pain.

"What a sick joke, if only you weren't here" she leveled her weary eyes toward Naruko, who holstered the Jackal once again. "Why can't you...understand?"

"Maybe I understand, maybe I don't," Naruko stated clearly, making her blink. "But I've thought about it, too. Unfortunately, your absolute evil' plan won't work." Katerea stopped completely at Naruko's statement... no, she didn't say it like a statement. She said it like it was a matter of fact.

"And what makes you say that you bitch?" Katerea said with hate, but with her injuries, it came out as a coarse whisper.

"Let's say you succeeded. You devils would be feared and would most likely do anything to ensure that. Even if it goes past gray areas. Like enslavement, power flaunting, bullying other leaders, and making ultimatums, which would sooner or later end up with genocide, and some tyranny. This to you is a golden age of prosperity?" Naruko asked as she sat beside Katerea who was contemplating what she just said on the floor.

"That was and is indeed the plan, even as crude as it sounds. Shalba and Creuserey had agreed to that mindset, though I believe their motive lies elsewhere with Ophis no longer supporting us." Katerea said as she coughed up blood as the last of the snake died as it helped resuscitate her heart shocking her.

Naruko looked down at her with a sigh before continuing. "I'm not done yet. Have you heard of the phrase, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend?' You do know what that means right? Everyone your race tormented and terrorized will band together, angels, fallen, humans, and other species. They would put their differences behind them to deal with the biggest issue being Devils. They would kill what they perceive as the 'absolute evil'. And when something is absolute, then every member of that 'absolute' is, well, evil."

Naruko continued her explanation."If that's the case, we get a second holocaust, and our guest stars are devil kind. Once the leaders are taken care of, everyone, even those who were never part of the conflict, will be next. Whether it be age, gender, personality, or even illness, those will not matter when their heads are rolling on the ground or stuck on a pike and the sides that once fear the devils are satisfied that their tyrants are all dead." Naruko explained looking around the area. "The Germans were lucky enough that they weren't discriminated by everyone because of the actions of one man. They're humans, after all. They change over time."

"You speak as if I am human," Katerea denied the comparisons, feeling appalled. "I am not human. I have called myself Leviathan's blood many times." She scowled at Naruko. "And my kind is far more than the hairless monkeys that can only live less than a century and breed at sickening rates."

"So what, they all die the same. And I was just making a comparison." Naruko said with a grin.

"What does it matter? We devils will overpower them, enslave them, dominate them. Then we will make them believe that we are invincible, make them scurry and hide. And we will be at peace." Katerea argued getting a groan from Naruko.

"And so begs the question. What happens if you fail? What if it doesn't work?" Naruko asked again with a serious face.

Katerea faltered when that question came. All goals had contingency plans, that much she knew. However, never had she considered what would happen if the grand goal of the True Maou Faction failed. Will they retreat and hide? Will they get enslaved? Will they-

"You speak of peace for your kind, but in the likely case that you guys get overthrown, what will you do then?" Naruko asked the million-dollar question. "The answer to that; it's a trick question kitty kat. There won't be a next time. Not after you get overthrown, it's Game Over, GG, no replay, no extra lives, no replay, no do-overs, nothing.

"Besides all great things come to an end as they reach their final chapters. Delay it, sure, but it is gonna forever chase you till you drop your guard. Everything comes to an end sooner or later." Naruko explained. "In the meantime, let those people in charge do their job. Watch the people that they rule. Are they both happy? If so, leave them be. A ruler is defined not by the policies he makes, but by the people who live and or serve under them."

"Being a ruler is a right, not a privilege," Naruko said.

Katerea wanted to deny her words, she wanted to call them lies and blasphemy. That everything she was taught from the time she was but a fledgling is true. That her kind will rule everything regardless. Yet in a sensible part of her recovering mind, she knew that Naruko is right.

"You don't have to take my words as truth. You can continue preaching on how evil devils are supposed to be, or how they are the scum of the earth all you like. But being scum just to survive? Because it's expected of them just sounds wrong." Naruko said as she stood up and did a few stretches as she was preparing to leave. "You can go on and believe you are the savior your people deserve, but if you can't even take into account their own current lives, you are not a savior they need."

Naruko groaned inwardly from all the philosophical bullshit she was talking about and it was giving her a headache.

Tears formed in Katerea's eyes as she digested the reality before her. She lost. And it wasn't the glorious end that she had expected, that she wanted it to be. She didn't want to hear any of it. She had lost. And that is it.

"Then... then what do you want me to do? What should I do?" Katerea asked with tears.

"Well for starters, lose the headset and let your hair down. That went out of fashion a while back I believe. And if you want some tips and can actually cut hair, After that, take a shower. Sweat makes us stink more than you can imagine. And if you know how to cut hair, become my hairstylist or something. I don't really care," Naruko said as she looked back down at Katerea. "...Then I guess, reflect on what you've learned today. Learn to respect everything and learn more about who you're up against. Who knows when there will be a day that enemies become the best of friends?"

"Oh and one more thing, don't ever make me think deeply again. I'm a woman of action, not a damn philosopher." Naruko said remembering the current cause of her headache. "I really need to get going soon...and go pick up Rose and Tamamo."

"Mikon!" Tamamo called out as she jumped at Naruko, knocking the both of them down. "You were amazing~ I believe you deserve a reward for not destroying the entire area."

"How nice of you Tammy," Naruko moaned in slight pain...she was sure she just felt her pelvis break and it wasn't because of sex. "Please get off me, Beloved. I think you broke my pelvis and not in a good way."

"Oh my, my apologies..." Tamamo said sheepishly as she got off Naruko before helping the blonde to her feet. After they both got to their feet they briefly conversed with Sasuke, Yasaka, and Sakura while thanking them for their hospitality. "Well looks like we'll be leaving very soon."

"Could you please leave Katerea, she is having some self-reflection," Naruko said with a soft sight getting an amused look from Sasuke. "Well, you guys do take care of yourselves and till next time."

-Flashback End-

"And that's why I hate philosophy!" Naruko explained to Kuroka who chuckled softly before both looking on at the building. "Well, that should be enough time for a wait. I'm going to kidnap your sister now."

Not a second later and Naruko vanished from Kuroka's line of sight.


Koneko was having a rather boring, but otherwise peaceful day so far. No stray devils to take care of, no wishes to fulfill, and to top it all off a very big bowl of her favorite candy was waiting for her back in the club room! Prepared by none other than Akeno herself. Her bright yellow eyes fell into a sleepy haze at the thought. The line between reality and dream quickly blurred and what was once a classroom full of students was now a bright world of giant edible candy.

If only her dream could've lasted a little longer.

Sleepy eyes blinked owlishly as her, and by now the rest of the class, realized, there was a blond stranger currently sitting on her desk dressed in what seemed to be a military outfit and with a grin on her face.

"Hello," Naruko greeted Koneko while waving at the class and ignoring the lustful glances from the boys and a few girls. "Are you Shirone?"

Koneko's eyes widened as she was surprised this blonde stranger knew her biological name.

"I'll take that as a yes...Splendid!" Naruko said as she turned back and stared at the teacher across the classroom. "Hello, my name is Naruko Heart-Underblade. Sorry to interrupt your lesson and all but I need to borrow little Shirone here for really urgent family reasons. I've got someone who'd like to have a chat with her. You don't mind, do ya teach?"

"O-Of course, U-Underblade-san. Ju-just be sure s-she gets back on t-t-time." Th terrified teacher said noticing the rows of shark teeth lining her mouth when Naruko smiled.

"Thank you! I'll be sure to do that!" Naruko said with a bow before disappearing with Koneko.

Not a minute later the class burst into mass hysteria.