Chapter 15 - New Lies

Pushing open the door to my house— I quickly went inside.

Thankfully on my way here, I didn't stumble across the werewolf again— otherwise I would've had to kill it. Worse yet, i could've stumbled upon any of the other hunters that apparently live in this town— which i didn't.

I quickly slammed the door closed behind me— creating a loud banging sound that echoed throughout the barely furnished house.

I looked around the dark room before making my way upstairs.

Given the time of night, both my parents were either sleeping or doing something else— while the twins were most likely still at the bar partying.

"Mom?" I called out as I walked up the stairs and approached their bedroom. "Dad!" Nothing but silence returned to me— causing me to worry a little.

I knew the likelihood of something happening to them was extremely low with how powerful they were— but with the situation I was just in, the thought couldn't help but cross my mind.

Knocking on the door— I moved closer in an attempt to hear what was going on inside— only for me to hear the shuffling of what sounded like clothing followed by my father's voice echoing out.

"Coming honey, wait there." Hearing the voice of my father that seemed fine— I release a sigh of relief— realizing why they didn't reply when I called out to them earlier, I cringe a little internally at the thought.

Waiting for him to open the door— I quickly spoke when I saw him— I decided to not wait until the morning since it was rather important to tell them right away.

"Dad, I have to tell you and mom something. It's important." I said as I walked passed him and into the room— where my mother lay on the bed with the coverlet over her scantly dressed clothing.

Naturally, I didn't pay attention to it and instead allowed my eyes to wander around the room.

My father closed to door to the room after taking a look outside— most likely looking for my sisters since I was supposed to be with them but wasn't.

After which, he turned around and looked at me, a hint of concern on his face as he did, "What's wrong dear? Everything alright?" He asked with a concern-filled voice.

I paused for a second, unsure about how exactly I planned to explain this to them.

And what exactly I was willing to say.

Before I was sure about telling them everything because the adrenaline was flowing through my body and making me worry for my family, but knowing them, they would be fine.

If I did tell them that hunters lived in town they would have very few options— most of which I didn't like.

The first and the most likely option was that we would move again.

It would be too dangerous to stay in a town so close to hunters— moving before they find us to a town that doesn't have any would be the best option.

But how could i allow for something like that after just settling down here? After just meeting someone i found interesting for the first time in a long time.

The second option, and the one I didn't want happening, would be a fight. The Council would tell my family to deal with the hunters ourselves, and the result would be my mother and sisters attempting to kill them.

I didn't want that option to happen either. While I didn't know the other hunters and can't speak for them, I do know Rosaline.

And for whatever reason— maybe it's because she helped me— I didn't want her killed.

The third option, and the most unlikely one, would be that we stay here while hiding our powers and avoiding the hunters.

Sure— that might seem like what we are already doing, but it's not.

Even if we blend in with humans, we never truly stop using our magic, we use it every day for little things, and we use it sometimes for big things.

Large spells, festivals, and so on.

We held them on important days that we had to celebrate— missing them wasn't good.

Most importantly, our very bodies constantly flowed with magic.

Not only because of the many hexes that are tattooed on our bodies— but also because of the very blood that flows within our veins.

We were basically living magic batteries. And hunters had ways to track such signatures if they really tried to.

But that's beside the point— the issue right now was what exactly I should tell them if I didn't want to move again or start a battle.

My brief pause seemed to have caught the attention of my father— because he questioned me again with a concerned voice, "Everything alright dear? Are you feeling ok? Did something happen while out with your sisters?"

Quickly I shook my head in order to ease his worry and spoke, "No— no it's nothing like that, I'm fine. It's just I ran into something while on my way back."

Internally I was somewhat annoyed at myself for what I was about to do— lying to such a sweet man that cared about me.

I felt shitty doing it, but at the same time, something inside me told me to do it.

It wasn't a screaming thought— in fact, it was the exact opposite, a whisper.

A soft yet tempted voice that whispered to lie— like a demon in my ear.

"I ran into a werewolf— a feral one that attacked me," I said— leaving out the fact that I also ran into a hunter.

It wasn't lying if I didn't mention it at all.

"What?" I heard the loud voice of my father say with concern— his face showing his surprise with his raised eyebrows.

"That's not possible— today is not a full moon. Is it?" At first, he sounded sure of what he was saying— and he was right to be as it shouldn't be possible— but as he came towards the end he turned to my mother and asked in an unsure tone.

Even my mother— who was usually serious and unfazed— seemed unsure about what I was saying. Her brows slightly angled down as she thought over the question to herself internally.

"No, it shouldn't be possible. At least I've never heard of such a case before." She said— confirming what we all already knew, that this wasn't normal.

"I'm not lying— I ran into it in an abandoned building while I was coming back. It was fully humanoid were-form and had insane physical capabilities."

Though they didn't say it, I could tell they weren't sure if to believe me— maybe they thought I was drunk— but I tried to make them believe me.

"We believe you, dear— it's just so odd." My father said in a comforting tone as he walked closer to me— wrapping his arms around my body as he gave me a hug.

My mother— after thinking for a bit— asked a question that made me stomp for a second.

"What did you do with it?"

That was a question I wasn't sure how to answer, mainly because it required me to actually lie this time.

"I fought it with a harm spell, but it got away— I didn't want to kill it."

It was a lie— but it was the closest thing to the truth I could give them without revealing the truth.

"You didn't kill it? You allowed it to run loose in the town wild?" My mother asked— her voice showing her disappointment with my course of action.

Even I could admit letting it go was a bad thing— I just didn't have a better option, besides killing it.

"It's fine— you did the right thing not killing it. We don't know what happened to it yet, killing it wouldn't be a wise thing to do."

My father said instead— once again using his kindness to comfort me.

"Dad's right— I wasn't sure if killing it would be ok or not. The Council gave no mention of a werewolf being in town— how is that possible?"

My question caused both my parents to stop talking. Each thinking to themselves, who knows what, as they try to piece this mess of a situation together.

"I will contact the Council in the morning and discuss this with them. For now— go take a rest." My mother said after thinking about it for a while.

My father removed his arms from around me— releasing the hug as he pats my back once more.

"Take a rest dear. Where are your sisters?"

"They are probably still at the club— I left before them and decided to come home."

He nodded his head— not really worried about the twins being safe because he knew that they were able to take care of themselves just fine.

Unlike me— they wouldn't hesitate to kill the creature if they came across it, regardless of the issues it would cause.

That's just how the twins were.

"Alright, I'm going to bed." I didn't bother to wait for a reply and instead walked out of the room after saying goodnight— closing the door behind me as I did so.

As I made my way towards my room— entering it— I didn't bother to change out of my clothing or even take a shower. I just laid right down in bed after how tiring the day had been.

Both my mind and body were wary after such a long day— and the drinking I had done didn't help that.

Before I even knew it— I drifted away into sleep.