Chapter 19 - New Doubts

As she finished explaining her backstory to me— she looked up to meet my eyes, expecting something in return. Yet I was completely lost in my thought from what I had heard from her.

If what she said is true, then the possibilities that it might allow would be unimaginable.

Just the fact that the Council would allow such laxness when it comes to the monitoring of Rogue Witches and their offsprings was truly dishearting to hear.

Imagine the possibilities of what could have happened if her mother didn't die— and she passed onto her the same crazy mindset she had that got her removed from the Witching Community.

She would have all the craziness without any of the limits put on her by the Council like her mother had— she could've killed hundreds of innocent lives due to the Council's foolishness.

Who is to say that others like her didn't exist? One's that weren't so lucky to have their parents die before they could brainwash them— growing up with a mind corrupted by madness.

Just the thought of it made me annoyed to no end.

However, I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of a finger-snapping— drawing my attention back to the woman in front of me.

"Ah sorry I was lost in thought for a moment. That's quite the story you have."

I replied— unsure what to say in response to her telling me her life story. It wasn't like I exactly asked to know it or anything, so it was a bit weird to say anything about it.

"Hahaha, don't worry about it. I'm just glad I have someone to listen to me. I haven't had anyone to talk to in years now, after all, I can't quite go around talking to other Witches about this— let alone humans."

The woman said as she placed her hands on her hips— a soft chuckle escaping her mouth as she seemed to be more at ease than before.

That I could understand— and I almost felt pity for the woman.

If it wasn't for my family being Witches as well I wouldn't have had anyone to talk to.

Throughout all the times I have moved, I have only ever come across 2 other Witches. And even then it wasn't for a long time until I moved again.

I couldn't imagine how lonely it would be for someone to go hundreds of years without talking to anyone about how you truly feel— about your true self.

It must have been hard on her— I pitied her.

"I see, well, we can talk more from now on if you want?"

I said in an unsure tone. I wasn't sure why I made the offer— but I felt like talking to the woman more often might not only help her but also help me.

She did have knowledge about things that not even my family's library had— so learning from her wouldn't be a bad thing.

It seems the woman liked the proposal cause a smile quickly overtook her serious face.

Nodding, she spoke.

"Yes, that would be lovely. The things we can talk about— oh, and the things I could teach you about!"

It seems she just couldn't wait to tell me about the things, but as I glanced over at a clock that decorated the wall behind the desk I noticed that an hour had already passed.

How exactly an hour passed from just a little bit of looking around and talking I couldn't understand— but that meant I couldn't stay here much longer otherwise I wouldn't reach my class on time.

"Sorry I need to get going— but before I go I need to buy some books for my class. Do you have these books?"

I gave her a list of the books I needed for the classes I attended in school— hoping she had the things I needed— otherwise I would have to go another day without the books.

Honestly, the only reason I didn't already have them was because of how quickly we had to move— it was a very last-minute decision and if it wasn't for the Council setting up things with the school I probably wouldn't have gotten in.

She nodded as she took the paper I handed her and began to look through it; reading each name and price aloud.

"Ah yes I have all of those. Give me a second and I will get it all together."

I waited for a few minutes as she went around the bookstore collecting all the books that I had listed on the paper— some she had to get from the back.

But after a few minutes, she had it all collect— telling me the price I had just enough to pay for it all.

"Thanks, I will come by when I have free time so we can talk some more,"

I told her as I took the bag that held all the books in it— it was quite heavy but nothing I couldn't handle.

"I look forward to it."

She said as she waved me off.

Exiting the store I walked along the street making my way to the school— it would still take a while thanks to how far I had traveled so leaving early was wise.

But as I walked I couldn't help but think about the Council— before I had blindly trusted and believed in the Council, but if they were this lax with the Rogue Witches what else could they be lax with?

The Hunters? What if the Hunters weren't exactly what they said— what if the hunters weren't all bad?

'Why am I even thinking about that.'

I thought to myself as I shook the thought away in my mind— yet I couldn't get the thought out of my head about what the Witch Council has been doing to make peace with the Hunters.

I couldn't help but think about the fact that a lot of bloodshed and death could be avoided if we only talked to the other side a little and came to an understanding.


I said allowing in frustration at my own thoughts— continuing my walk.