Help We Stuck

After searching whole subway in this city, we found dead end.

we now stuck in here. Only two way out, either go to park subway, or business subway.

"Where we gonna go Captain" Captain gerard lost in thought, me just chilling, killin time with new body.


{Help lost child to survive}

Help The child escape subway station (0/1)


1x Pink Bear Plushie

1x UTS-15


What ? Another survivor , shit.

"Captain , i have something to tell you" Captain gerard wake up and looked at me

"There is lost child in this subway, i think we need search it . and escape from here" I tell them about the child condition, they agreed

"i recommended to go business subway, because we need communication to headquarter" They in deep thought and agree of my opinion

"Alright , if any of you found that girl, go straight into business subway. we gather in there" We agreed and search that little child.

i search every corner in this subway, shit . the dread in this subway was real. cause noone know who would jump at you any moment now.

i hear someone sobbing, i followed through in ventilation tunnel, What a smart child.

i found 8 year old girl who crying.

"Child come here, i will help you out in here" she looked at me and come to my way. i held her body then run through the business subway.

After a while i came then found them waiting for me, I realease my hug .

"Mission Complete"

Great where is the plushies. i search in every corner my eye can see but found nothing, i looked in backpack then found it.

UTS-15 And Pink Bear Plushies.

i took out the plushies give it to her.

she accept my gift and hugging it tightly. So cute holy shit.

"what now ?" Captain gerard in thought again, i sighed to see it. i played with little girl for while.

"Lets go that building , maybe we can find signal in there" Captain Gerard pointed the radio building, nice choice captain.

we go to that building , then straight to upper floor. little girl hugging David back, because he growing fond to little girl, im happy about it.

after we arrive, gerard call reinforcement to the headquarter.


{Superior Zombie coming into your place, Defeat it}

Defeat Nemesis (0/1)

All survivor must stay alive(4/4)


1x Nemesis Mutation Virus

30x Round magazine for every survivor


Crap, Thats a bullshit.

out of nowhere , a zombie land in middle rooftop

tall buffed up , bald brown skin , his face got sliced.

well that nemesis.

survivor means doesnt count me. well time to try my new power.

they suprise to see it, then start shooting.

funny thing is this dude a tank, a literal tank. many bullet shot he tank all of it, even a grenade. shit, thats why no zombie horde when this dude arrive.

this dude a fucking alpha, well time to be omega.

nemesis dashing toward itsuka , i reflex push her aside. absolute blow hit me , made me stagger. shit that hurt, let me return it. i punch back this asshole, it flew few meter in front of us.

thank god, juggernaut virus is on par with this nemesis.

nemesis waking up and ready to charge his dash, well shit. time to bait it toward me.

"Captain , Keep calling reinforcement. Uncle david, Protect that little girl. Itsuka, When i say shoot, shoot it in his eyes got it" i scream to them, they nod.

"Lets dance" Brain play only thing i ever know

Nemesis dashing toward me, I avoid it then shoot it with my glock. after that nemesis dashing again after me, i shot it again but when im reloading, this shit dashing me toward end of balcony. fuck.

i see the bottom of 30 floor building, with zombie horde in the road. oh fuck we trapped.

i looked nemesis ready charging at me, well time for wrestling style. i grabbed its shoulder and slam it into the floor. great now what.

i backed off little bit, it rise again this time.

"Itsuka Shoot now" I coded itsuka then she shoot it in the head, when it stagger. i building my momentum then i run toward it , jump give it double kick in the face.

but with my another miscalculation. i kicked too hard that i followed it to abyss

"See you in hell guys" I follow this nemesis down to road from above

"Like doctor doom says, Foot Dive" i Scream my skill toward bottom road and boom

nemesis and nearby zombie become blood gore meat shit. eugh,gross. my body still shivering cause of shock.

"Mission Complete"

nice , lets embrace the reward now.




what took it so long?

my body became hot , fuck . its hot, hot ,hot , my body burning like hell. fuck

'Nemesis Mutation Virus, Virus developed for Solid steel like body,Capable adapt very environment'

Another shitty Summary, Fuck off.

now lets try it to these fucker. i let other zombie bite me, what a suprise . my body actually become like tank, no damage, no wound, no pain, oh no what happend if i have sex, can i feel something. fuck now i regret it.

i took my anger toward these fucker, No weapon needed , just bare handed. I meet my first nemesis, yeah Runner zombie. time for revenge.





After a while they came down to meet me. i sit here waiting for them, then I smiled at them

"You survived?"

"No shit , Those thing really have a good spot to land" I shrugged and they laugh about it

"reinforcement ?" i asked gerard , he nod. good then.

"where we go captain?" Gerard tell us that reinforcement will come in the park, well another detour, shit.

i followed them into park, ritsuka looked me with curious. looks like this girl into me, time to tease her little bit.

"What are you looking at ? you definitely into me right?" She shoot me again, i avoid it again

"Im sorry,im sorry, im joking please stop, stop" she stop the shoot then walked away.

that little bitch, i helped you that time. now you pay me with this, fuck you.