A Pretty Doctor

As estimated by Qiao Yue, a few minutes after they exited the bend, they saw their reinforcement team.

12 people in 3 cars came to support them. The car that Sanzi was driving could be scrapped; it was already a miracle that it lasted until now.

The two teams switched places. Two cars drove to the previous location to check things out while the other two took Qiao Yue and the rest back to the base.

Inside the modified Regius Ace, a bespectacled and gentle-looking female doctor treated Qiao Yue's wound.

The knife in Qiao Yue's shoulder was plunged deep, and she would need stitches when they arrived at the base.

"Gasp!" Qiao Yue sucked cold air through her teeth at the female doctor's not-so-gentle technique.

"Yun, are you trying to kill me?" Qiao Yue's beautiful eyebrows furrowed. She felt that Yun didn't want to save her but wanted to kill her.