Misunderstanding Explained

Qiao Yue raised her eyebrow looking at the assistant standing outside her door. Why did Quai Jing's assistant look for her at this time?

Seeing that Qiao Jing's assistant seemed to have something to say, Qiao Yue spoke first. "Do you want to talk outside or inside?"

"If it's convenient, can Master Yue talk outside, please?" The assistant said in a gentle voice.

Qiao Yue nodded, closed the door, and went downstairs with Qiao Jing's assistant.

"You wanted to talk to me about second brother."

Other than Qiao Jing, Qiao Yue couldn't think of anything else that the assistant would want to talk to her about.

At seven o 'clock in the evening, the sun had already set, and the night sky was full of stars. The breeze that wasn't scorched by the sun felt much cooler.

Walking on the pebble path beside the lawn, Qiao Yue recalled her life in the mountain village. Those were the precious days when she could completely relax.