A Somniferous Movie

An hour into the movie, Qiao Yue felt that the saddest thing was that she couldn't go to sleep even when watching such a somniferous movie.

Hearing Qiao Yu's snoring, Qiao Yue also wanted to yawn but she didn't want to go too far since Qiao Ze was so focused.

"Go to sleep if you're tired," said Qiao Ze suddenly. "You don't have to keep me company."

Qiao Ze touched Qiao Yue's head gently. His hand was big and warm, and his touch made Qiao Yue feel at ease.

Qiao Yue turned to look at Qiao Ze. It was said that men who were focused were the most attractive. As expected, the current Qiao Ze made Qiao Yue forget how he usually looked.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Ze asked when Qiao Yue didn't answer.

Qiao Ze's voice was a little deeper and hoarser than usual, like notes from a cello flowing through the air. It was a pleasure to listen to him speak.

"Third brother, you'll take on all kinds of movies?"