Changing Classes

The next day, Qiao Yue was called to the teacher's office as soon as she arrived in class.

"Qiao Yue, the higher-ups have decided to change your class after some consideration."

"Change class?"

Qiao Yue raised her eyebrows slightly. Could it be because of what happened on the forum? However, she didn't really care if she changed classes. It didn't matter to her anyway.

"To which class?" Qiao Yue asked.

Seeing that Qiao Yue didn't ask further, the teacher quickly said, "Change to your brother's class. That way, Qiao Yu can help you improve."

The teacher's impatient look tickled Qiao Yue. What kind of wild animal was she that her teacher was in such a hurry to get rid of her?

Although Qiao Yue didn't think so herself, she had great influence on the teachers.