A Warning About Paralysis

The next morning, Qiao Yue and Qiao Jing got on a plane to S-Country. Although Qiao Jing had suggested that they take the Qiao's private jet, Qiao Yue felt it was too ostentatious and refused.

For the convenience of visiting the old master, Qiao Jing's assistant booked them rooms at a hotel near the hospital Old Master Qiao was at. The eldest son of the Qiao family, Qiao Xuan, would also arrive in S-Country in the afternoon.

Qiao Yue received a text message from Lu Ying as soon as she stepped into her room.

"I saw you just now. Free to come out for a get-together?"

"What get-together? What would Qiao Jing think if he saw us together?" Qiao Yue quickly typed and sent this message.

After more thought, Qiao Yue typed another message, "Where did you see me?"

"In the hallway. You passed by my room when I opened the door. It's been a long time since we last met. Why don't you sneak out tonight and we find a place to compare notes on acupuncture?