Second Brother's Beauty

Qiao Yue raised his hand to rub her temples, "Brother, what exactly are you thinking about that made you misunderstand to this point?"

Seeing Qiao Yue's expression, Qiao Jing's usually expressionless face showed some confusion.

"Didn't you just kiss Doctor Lu?" Qiao Jing asked.

"What? You said I kissed Lu Ying?" Qiao Yue was so frightened by Qiao Jing's words that she said Lu Ying's full name.

Seeing Qiao Yue's reaction, Qiao Jing knew that he had misunderstood, but he didn't understand why he would misunderstand when he had seen it with his own eyes.

"You stood up and kissed him just now," Qiao Jing said with a frown.

Qiao Yue recalled what had happened just now and chuckled when she thought of the direction Qiao Jing had come from, "Brother, you have misunderstood. I was in a hurry so I stood up abruptly just now and almost fell because I felt faint. How did you see me kiss him? "