Being Followed

Qiao Yue nodded with a smile. Seeing that it was almost time to board the plane, she didn't open the box but followed Qiao Jing directly to the gate.

It wasn't until they got on the plane that Qiao Yue found out that other than the gift for her, Qiao Xuan had also prepared some local specialties he bought from wherever he went, indicating that she could share them with her classmates.

Qiao Yue couldn't help but sigh at Qiao Xuan's thoughtfulness. No wonder his siblings all listened to him.

Sitting next to Qiao Jing, Qiao Yue glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and saw him leaning back in his seat with his eyes closed as if he was going to catch up on sleep.

"You didn't sleep well last night?" Qiao Yue asked tentatively.

"Yes," Qiao Jing replied lightly.

Seeing Qiao Jing close his eyes, Qiao Yue began to size him up brazenly. It was only then that she noticed the dark circles under his eyes.