The Game

Because she had seen Qiao Yu play the game before, Qiao Yue remembered a lot of settings for the game. Since she had nothing to do now, she might as well download it and play.

Back when Zhou Lan had dragged her to play this game, she had suffered losses due to Zhou Lan many times.

Zhou Lan's gaming skills weren't good, but she loved to play. Not only did she only know how to play as a mage, but she also didn't listen to others' advice and rushed forward whenever she saw someone. After playing with Zhou Lan once, she had almost become a full-time nanny for the mage.

She had discussed with Zhou Lan about getting a supporting hero to follow her, but Zhou Lan had told her that if she couldn't control the entire game, then playing the game would be meaningless.

She agreed with Zhou Lan's words, but the key was that Zhou Lan was not controlling the entire game, but her!