Prepare to Escape

As if to prove that the bullet had been loaded, Qiao Yu deliberately raised the gun in front of the man to show him.

The man was forced into the room step by step by Qiao Yue. Qiao Yu then skillfully found a hemp rope in the room and tied the man's hands and feet.

Just as he was about to pull out a piece of cloth, Qiao Yu suddenly noticed the naked girl lying on the bed. He was stunned for a second before he quickly pulled out a piece of cloth and stuffed it into the man's mouth.

Sensing Qiao Yu's abnormal behavior, Qiao Yue turned around and saw the naked girl covered in wounds lying on the wooden bed, her eyes blank.

Qiao Yue frowned and walked to the girl's side to put a coat on her. It was useless for her to say anything now. She could only help the girl up through the coat. It was not the time to relax yet. How they were going to escape was still a problem.