My Heart Aches for You

Qiao Yue felt the atmosphere around her turn weird. Her classmate had not meant any harm in showing the video, so it would not be very nice if she got upset over it. Just as she was about to speak up, Qiao Yu continued, "Qiao Yue hasn't been back in the country for long. If that video were to spread, it could hamper her recovery."

The video continued to play, and Qiao Xin's side profile could be seen in a small corner of the screen. Everyone understood what Qiao Yu was saying. If the video was leaked, wouldn't it be as good as poking the hornet's nest?

One by one, the students stepped forward and deleted the video in front of Qiao Yue. Xu Hao did not immediately leave upon deleting the video. Instead, he regarded Qiao Yue with a measure of excitement.

"Qiao Yue, you must've learned martial arts before. Let's exchange a few moves when you've recovered!"

Qiao Yue chuckled. "Alright."