Borrowing an Account

"Tell me the truth," Qiao Yu looked at Qiao Yue with interest.

After reading so much, Qiao Yu was no longer depressed about Qiao Yue hiding things from him. Instead, he wanted to know what other secrets Qiao Yue was hiding.

Qiao Yue rolled her eyes but clutched her wound, whimpering. Qiao Yu shot her a smile. "The monk may flee, but the temple will remain. Even if I don't tell you today, you'll still learn the truth sooner or later."

"Besides," Qiao Yue began, almost exasperatedly, "There's nothing in it for me. Why should I reveal anything?"

Qiao Yu quirked a brow. If anyone else had said that, he would have been fine even if they chose not to tell him what he wanted to know. But this was Qiao Yue. How could he allow her to hold so many secrets from him? Qiao Yu vowed he would dig up as many as he could.

"Benefits? What do you want?" Qiao Yu countered.