The Bet's In Place

"Why?" Sun Bin, who was more mature than his lackey, asked calmly.

Qiao Yue sneered. "Because it's stupid."

Sun Bin's expression got increasingly sinister as he stared at Qiao Yue, but Qiao Yue only looked back at him expressionlessly.

Shortly after, Sun Bin walked up to Qiao Yue and whispered, "Qiao Yue, if you and Qiao Yu don't want to be in any trouble, you'd better agree."

Qiao Yue finally had an expression when she heard this. Coldness grew in her eyes as she replied, "Are you threatening me?"

"Qiao Yue, both you and Qiao Yu have mobility problems now. No one can be blamed if the wheelchair malfunction and you roll down the stairs or onto the road."

The madness in Sun Bin's eyes was scary. Qiao Yue didn't think that embarrassing a guy would make him crazy. However, there weren't many people who dared to threaten her like this, so she found it interesting.