
As Qiao Yue had expected, Trand's man inched towards her with a cattle prod.

"Number 47, you are a well-known figure in the underworld. Are you sure you want to embarrass yourself like this?" The man's words rang in Qiao Yue's ears.

Qiao Yue kept her mouth shut as the man's cattle prod moved closer to her.

In an instant, the pain of electrocution ran through Qiao Yue's body. She couldn't help but spat out blood, which shocked Trand's men into looking at each other.

Qiao Yue was in a bad shape. The injury on her ribs hadn't recovered, the stitches most likely broken when she was tossed around, and now she's been electrocuted. Pain spread all over her body, to the point of causing her chills.

Just as Qiao Yue was feeling dizzy, Trand's men suddenly tied her up again.

"Are we retreating?" Someone who didn't understand asked.