
A tear ran down Qiao Yue's face. She had forgotten these things. Looking at her mother's beautiful face, Qiao Yue mouth the word "mom". Coincidentally, her mother turned her head to face her...

When Qiao Yue opened her eyes again, she was in a hospital. Her gaze moved from the snow-white ceiling to the side of her bed. Zhou Lan was sound asleep by her bed.

Massaging her forehead, Qiao Yue try to remember everything that had happened. Wasn't she in the woods? Why was she in a hospital now? Did someone save her?

Feeling Qiao Yue's movements, Zhou Lan fuzzily opened her eyes. Seeing that Qiao Yue was awake, Zhou Lan was stunned for a moment before surprise filled her eyes.

"You're awake!"

Qiao Yue touched her aching ribs and asked, "How did I end up in a hospital?"

"I'm also not sure," Zhou Lan replied with a confused expression.

"What do you mean?" Qiao Yue asked with a frown.