The Old Master's Favorite

Qiao Xuan said that to warn the others against saying anything that could upset the old master.

Seeing Qiao Jing and Qiao Ze's silent concurrence, the old master's rising anger dissipated.

Qiao Yi was the first to protest, "Dad, even if you favor Qiao Yue, you can't do this. Which descendent of the Qiao family didn't get exposure to the family business until after graduation? What do you mean when you give Qiao Yue exposure just like that?"

"Dad, second brother is right. Although you like Qiao Yue, you can't do this!" The first madam chimed in, unaware of Qiao Ren's frown when she said that.

The old master looked at the two of them with an unfriendly expression. The first madam felt a little guilty under his gaze and turned her head away, avoiding his eyes. In fact, her two sons were already of age, so it wasn't her place to meddled in this matter. However, she couldn't stand watching Qiao Yue get whatever he wanted.