Jin Lu

The teacher was really too good-looking.

She wore her long wavy down, and her eyes were as charming as a deer's. She was petite but elegant. She walked into the classroom in a cheongsam.

The students were full of praise.

"This teacher is so good-looking; she looks like a celebrity."

"Yeah, if I had that figure, I'd be a celebrity or an online influencer. Why would I be a teacher?"

The teacher's eyes swept over the students, and everyone fell silent. No one noticed that her eyes paused on Qiao Yue for a moment.

"Hello, everyone. I'm your music teacher for this semester, Jin Lu."

Qiao Yue frowned.

She had heard of this name before.

KA owned several entertainment companies and Jin Lu seemed to be one of their artistes.

Qiao Yue raised her head to look at Jin Lu.

Jin Lu's eyes met Qiao Yue's and she smiled as if she was smiling at Qiao Yue.