The Apology

Bo Ning's apology letter was posted on the school forum using her own ID.

It was a handwritten apology letter.

Throughout the letter, Bo Ning explained why she had misunderstood Qiao Yue. After the misunderstanding, she decided to drug Qiao Yue to make him reveal his true colors.

The reason seemed too strange, but that was what Bo Ning thought and did.

Qiao Yue facepalmed herself. Why did she come across such a muddle-headed person?

When people read this explanation, they would think that Bo Ning had taken a fancy to Qiao Yue and had found an even weirder reason to drug Qiao Yue.

With such an apology, it's better not to apologize.

The bell for class rang and Jin Lu walked in. She looked very haggard today without any makeup.

Today, they started practice with a simple étude.

Probably because of Bo Ning's apology, everyone's attention was on Qiao Yue.