Physical Education Exam

"Track his movements. Let's observe first what he does to Trand."

After Xiao Jia replied and they said good night to each other, Qiao Yue was ready to shower and go to bed.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, she looked her body full of scars and smiled bitterly.

Everything had gone out of her control since she returned to the Qiao family.

She didn't know what she would have to go through next, but the road ahead was much more difficult than she had imagined.

She really couldn't relax for even a minute in these two years.

The next day was their mid-term exam for physical education.

The physical education exam was divided into two parts, the basic physical education test, and the electives.

The basic physical education test consisted of running, long jump, and shot put. Boys and girls were assessed separately with a higher standard imposed on boys.