Being Led Astray

Li Cheng took out the camera pen and demonstrated it. As long as Sun Bin used the pen to write during the exam, the camera on the pen would record the question, and someone would tell him the answer through the mini earbuds.

"Work with us, we'll help you beat Qiao Yue. He's just faster with his revisions. We'll find someone to help you with the answers and you'll be able to answer all the questions." Li Rong said while patting Sun Bin's shoulder.

Sun Bin clenched his pen, feeling a little conflicted.

He was indeed not as good as Qiao Yue. In fact, he was not confident that he would do better than Qiao Yue in the next exam. But things would be different with this pen. If he agreed, someone would help him answer all the questions.

"Think about it. Think about how many people laughed at you that day at the archery competition."