Destroying the Props

After Qiao Xin finished her song, she turned on the sound system and replayed the song she had just sung.

Qiao Xin's sense of rhythm and music was not bad, but she lacked talent. There was nothing special about her voice; it was even a little unpleasant to hear.

Although the song had been autotuned, it was still a little uncomfortable for the ear.

"How is it, Dad?" Qiao Xin was immersed in her singing and didn't care about her father's frown.

Qiao Li smiled. "Not bad. Keep up the good work."

Qiao Li didn't really think that she sang well.

It didn't really matter to him if Qiao Xin could sing or be an artiste. She just needed to be useful.

Qiao Xin was so engrossed in her dream of becoming a big star that she had no idea what lay ahead.

Soon, it was the day of Harvey's anniversary party.

When Qiao Yue arrived at the dressing room, it was bustling with activity.