In Drag

Qiao Yue really didn't know how to dance.

However, the part this girl was in charge of wasn't really a dance. It's more like martial arts.

Hong Ning showed Qiao Yue their rehearsal video.

Qiao Yue only took a few minutes to remember the dance sequence in general.

When she was training before, she had trained with cold weapons like swords and sabers. Sword dance was just choreographing sword moves into a dance sequence.

Moreover, this student wasn't in charge of a mass dance, but a solo.

If Qiao Yue could remember the sequence and keep the beat, he could replace her.

Hong Ning looked at Qiao Yue worriedly. "Can you really do it? If you can't, we can just give up the opportunity to win the award instead of making things difficult for you."

Qiao Yu turned to look at Qiao Yue.

Qiao Yue wasn't listening to what people were saying at all. His eyes were fixed on the screen as he committed every movement to memory.