
Qiao Yue was stunned for a moment.

Oswald was actually the Godfather's student?

Qiao Yue frowned. She grew up in the organization and was personally taught by the Godfather. When she was a teenager and sent to run KA, the Godfather had also been her personal coach.

When had Oswald been taught by the Godfather?

The Godfather's identity had always been a mystery to Qiao Yue.

People in the organization only knew that he came from the royal family of a certain country and was a very charismatic and ambitious person. As for his exact origin and the reason why he founded the organization, even Qiao Yue did not know.

If the rumors were true, that the Godfather was a member of some royal family, could he be related to D-Country?

Qiao Yue tilted her head as she listened to the conversation between the girl and Oswald. The two of them didn't say anything useful or mention the mission the Godfather had given to Oswald.