Taken Ill

Qiao Yue's mind was racing.

The air in the school garden was quite fresh. She took a few deep breaths to let the fresh air calm her nerves.

Even so, she still felt a little dizzy.

She wasn't a person who was afraid of difficulties, but recent events had been somewhat out of her control.

Most people in the organization didn't notice anything abnormal about the Godfather, or that the organization was moving in a direction that was somewhat out of control.

She hadn't even completed her investigations and she kept hitting dead ends.

With the appearance of Oswald, she began to doubt the organization and the Godfather's real purpose.

It was as if the whole world was forcing her to give up what she was doing and go back to safety.

Today was a cloudy day. Qiao Yue looked up at the sky and saw no sun or fluffy white clouds. Only dark clouds covered the sky. Even her mood became sullen.